August 10 Seattle

August 10 Seattle

Message par Nanyness » Jeu Fév 08, 2018 7:42 pm

Safeco Field

Walk On Music: Aye Davanita (from Vitalogy album)

Band Onstage: 8:33
Band Offstage: 11:59

Mike has two big handwritten signs that say “Save The Showbox” on his guitar rig
01. Oceans
02. Footsteps
03. Nothingman
04. Why Go
05. Brain Of J.
06. Interstellar Overdrive-(Barrett, Mason, Waters, Wright) :35 seconds
07. Corduroy
(Ed greets the audience and asks if they mind if he drinks tonight? “Damn if this concert thing isn’t a great demonstration of our right to assemble.” Ed thanks the Mariners for letting them use the field. The shows are centerpiece of a much larger project. Ed said he realized they were nervous because they have never played a show that raised eleven million dollars to help the homeless. This song goes to some old Seattle residents that might still be hiding..)
08. Rats
09. In Hiding
10. Whipping
(Ed says he has a prediction to make, he hesitates and says he doesn’t want to talk politics. He decides to predict that country will be in worse shape if people don’t get out and vote in the mid term elections. He also predicts that Mike will play a crazy solo because he is mad at the Showbox being threatened with being torn down. Ed says he has seen a huge number of amazing shows there. “This next song is called ‘Condos, do we really need more fucking condos?'”)
11. Even Flow (Mike climbs down off the stage and goes to the barricade all while soloing with the guitar behind his head. After the solo Ed starts a chant where he says “Save the …’” the audience replies "Showbox." )
12. Missing-(C. Cornell)-song was originally part of the Poncier tape that Chris made for the film ‘Singles’.
13. Daughter / WMA / It’s Ok-(Cole) (Ed shouts “for Fred and Toody" of Dead Moon towards the end
14. Immortality
(Introduces one of the greatest friends, father, husband, drummer Mr Matt Cameron. Ed talks about living in the rehearsal space in the early days and finding out that he was going to have his picture in Rolling Stone magazine. He talks about going to find the magazine, Madonna was on the cover and Ed digresses with a short bit about Madonna spanking him. The picture was there and it was Temple Of The Dog. There it was. He showed the magazine to the proprietor of the shop. He told the owner that it was him in the photo. The owner though it was neat and asked if it was a bike magazine. Ed learned perspective. “But this is a cover that really means something,” referring to Stone on the cover of Real Change)
15. I’m Open
16. Unthought Known
(We’d like to play this for all the people we’ve met at the last two women’s rallies and the people my wife met at (gun control). Talks about the administrations lack of empathy. Here’s to the people that march and we must keep marching.)
17. Can’t Deny Me
18. Do The Evolution
19. Lukin
20. Porch

Encore Break 1

“Good evening again” Ed checks on the audience. We are asking favors. Ed asks about a sound coming from behind him. He asks if can be turned off. Turns out it is a train going by.
We are asking for favors from our friends. “the last time I saw Tom Petty was right here last summer.” It would mean a lot to me, because if he is out there, metaphysically, I just really want to get his attention. Tom I miss you. So you could you sing along and hold your devices with the lights. Let’s light up the sky. The audience complies generously. Lots of lights.)

21. I Won't Back Down-(Lynne, Petty) Crowd sings along on the chorus. “I love you Tom”
22. Thin Air
(Ed chats about Mariners for a second)
23. All Or None
24. Better Man /Save It For Later-(Charley, Cox, Morton, Steele, Wakeling) (contains part of verse not just “Don’t let me down / Runaway” )
25. Crown Of Thorns-(Mother Love Bone, A. Wood)
(We would like to bring out a friend of ours. He is good friends with Randy Johnson. He is good friends and band mates with Matt Cameron. Soundgarden Total Fucking Godhead is an understatement (Matt is wearing a shirt that says that) Kim comes out and reveals that he is wearing the same stylized Chris Cornell shirt that Matt had been wearing on tour.)
26. Kick Out The Jams-(Davis, Kramer, Smith, Thompson, Tyner) with Kim Thayil (Ed and Mike both kneel and bow at Kim at the end of the song)
(We dedicate this one to Sub Pop records number 30, see you on the beach tomorrow)
27. Spin The Black Circle
28. Rearviewmirror (false start) / Fernando-(ABBA)-30 seconds
(After the first lyric Ed stops playing. Something sounds wrong to him. He knows he has played the song a lot but it didn’t seem right. His solution is to guzzle some wine. He says that the song just sounded like..and starts singing Fernando by ABBA a cappella until Matt gives him a beat. He sings about 25 seconds of the song and says, “It didn’t sound like that?”
Well, playing in front of 40,000 of your friends can be a trip. I was tripping..” They restart the song)
29. Rearviewmirror

Encore Break 2
(Ed was driving by the stadium a few days before the show and saw so many tents. He thought it was ironic that there was such a big homeless camp. Someone pointed out that those tents were people camping out to get front row in the pit. Ed thinks spending two days waiting for a show is too long.
Ed brings out his friend and tech Simon Good. He also introduces Boom Gasper)

30. Crazy Mary-(Williams) / Paint It Black-(Jagger, Richards) :30 riff during solo
31. Jeremy
Between songs a train rumbles by and blows its whistle. “There’s that train again. Do we got something louder than that train?” Matt counts off the next song.
32. Leash
(Ed asks Kim Thayil to come out again and he asks another guitar player out. Mr. Steve Turner. And one of the great, great singers of Seattle so good even Ed’s brother likes him more than Ed as a singer.,. Mr. Mark Arm. Mark notes that the introduction was awkward.)
33. Search And Destroy-(Pop, Williamson) with Mark Arm, Steve Turner and Kim Thayil
34. Sonic Reducer-(Bators, Blitz, Chrome, Magnum, Thomas, Zero) with Mark Arm, Steve Turner and Kim Thayil
35. Alive
36. Baba O’Riley-(Townshend)
(You should take a bow, thank you. Thank you to the activists, big business and small. It was just beyond, beyond. Going into the elections let people know that the homeless issue is important to you. We may be able to effect national change. There can be a plan, there will be a plan. Just don’t give up. This is empowering. This isn’t the time to give up, this is the time to rise up. Thank you Seattle, thank you everyone)
37. Yellow Ledbetter
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Message(s) : 355
Inscription : Sam Mars 24, 2012 5:47 pm

Re: August 10 Seattle

Message par Mikeb » Lun Fév 12, 2018 11:13 pm

IN en GA :band:
1996 London- Zurich
2000 Zurich - London
2006 Bern
2010 Berlin
2014 Berlin
2018 Barcelona - Seattle
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Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 9:46 pm
Localisation : Suisse

Re: August 10 Seattle

Message par blackstars » Mar Fév 13, 2018 1:30 am

Présent en tribune pour cette date et j'ai une place 10C en rab si quelqu'un est intéressé. :core:
Message(s) : 103
Inscription : Sam Jan 30, 2016 10:11 am

Re: August 10 Seattle

Message par dvi2702 » Ven Août 10, 2018 9:25 pm

#jesuisPA :peace:
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Message(s) : 8750
Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: August 10 Seattle

Message par Jezus » Ven Août 10, 2018 9:29 pm

Impressionnant. Par contre au fond on doit pas voir grand chose...
07/11/1996 : Paris
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Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 9:46 pm
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Re: August 10 Seattle

Message par dvi2702 » Ven Août 10, 2018 9:41 pm

J'ai envie de dire que d'ici non plus... :mrgreen:
#jesuisPA :peace:
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Message(s) : 8750
Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: August 10 Seattle

Message par Jezus » Sam Août 11, 2018 8:23 am

J'ai éclaté de rire comme un con devant mon portable.
07/11/1996 : Paris
08/06/2000 : Paris
01/09/2006 : Barcelona - 09/09/2006 : Massilia - 11/09/2006 : Paris - 19/09/2006 : Torino - 25/09/2006 : Wien
18/06/2007 : London
03/07/2010 : Arras
29/06/2012 : Werchter - 04/07/2012 : Berlin - 05/07/2012 : Berlin
18/06/2018 : London - 05/07/2018 : Berlin - 10/07/2018 : Barcelona - 17/07/2018 : London
17/07/2022 : Paris - 25/07/2022 : Amsterdam
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Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 9:46 pm
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Re: August 10 Seattle

Message par Olikatie » Sam Août 11, 2018 8:39 am

Safeco Field

All those yesterdays, let me sleep, arms aloft, Sirens, help( beatles), help help, Throw your hatred down(full band), faithful, setting forth, won't back down, Sleeping By Myself, I am a patriot, Again today, wishlist, mankind.

Walk On Music: Aye Davanita
Onstage : 8:33 PM
Offstage :



































32 . SEARCH AND DESTROY (STOOGES)with Steve Turner and Mark arm and kin thayil on stage

:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Re: August 10 Seattle

Message par Mc Nulty » Sam Août 11, 2018 8:50 am

Ça devait être ouf :shock:

1996 : Paris
2010 : Londres, Lisbonne
2012 : Manchester 2
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Mc Nulty
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Inscription : Mar Fév 26, 2013 5:29 pm

Re: August 10 Seattle

Message par nono_thing_man » Sam Août 11, 2018 9:05 am

Ils ont fini avec Alive Baba et YLB, 3h30 de show.....
Paris 2006, Turin 2006, Lisbonne 2007, Manchester 2009, Berlin 2010, EV Solo Providence 2011, EV Solo New York 1&2 2011, Stockholm 2012, Oslo 2012, Milan 2014, New York 2016, Milan 2018, Barcelone 2018
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Inscription : Mar Août 18, 2009 11:46 pm

Re: August 10 Seattle

Message par Denis » Sam Août 11, 2018 10:12 am

Walk On Music: Aye Davanita (from Vitalogy album)

Band Onstage: 8:33
Band Offstage: 11:59

Mike has two big handwritten signs that say “Save The Showbox” on his guitar rig
01. Oceans
02. Footsteps
03. Nothingman
04. Why Go
05. Brain Of J.
06. Interstellar Overdrive-(Barrett, Mason, Waters, Wright) :35 seconds
07. Corduroy
(Ed greets the audience and asks if they mind if he drinks tonight? “Damn if this concert thing isn’t a great demonstration of our right to assemble.” Ed thanks the Mariners for letting them use the field. The shows are centerpiece of a much larger project. Ed said he realized they were nervous because they have never played a show that raised eleven million dollars to help the homeless. This song goes to some old Seattle residents that might still be hiding..)
08. Rats
09. In Hiding
10. Whipping
(Ed says he has a prediction to make, he hesitates and says he doesn’t want to talk politics. He decides to predict that country will be in worse shape if people don’t get out and vote in the mid term elections. He also predicts that Mike will play a crazy solo because he is mad at the Showbox being threatened with being torn down. Ed says he has seen a huge number of amazing shows there. “This next song is called ‘Condos, do we really need more fucking condos?'”)
11. Even Flow (Mike climbs down off the stage and goes to the barricade all while soloing with the guitar behind his head. After the solo Ed starts a chant where he says “Save the …’” the audience replies "Showbox." )
12. Missing-(C. Cornell)-song was originally part of the Poncier tape that Chris made for the film ‘Singles’.
13. Daughter / WMA / It’s Ok-(Cole) (Ed shouts “for Fred and Toody" of Dead Moon towards the end
14. Immortality
(Introduces one of the greatest friends, father, husband, drummer Mr Matt Cameron. Ed talks about living in the rehearsal space in the early days and finding out that he was going to have his picture in Rolling Stone magazine. He talks about going to find the magazine, Madonna was on the cover and Ed digresses with a short bit about Madonna spanking him. The picture was there and it was Temple Of The Dog. There it was. He showed the magazine to the proprietor of the shop. He told the owner that it was him in the photo. The owner though it was neat and asked if it was a bike magazine. Ed learned perspective. “But this is a cover that really means something,” referring to Stone on the cover of Real Change)
15. I’m Open
16. Unthought Known
(We’d like to play this for all the people we’ve met at the last two women’s rallies and the people my wife met at (gun control). Talks about the administrations lack of empathy. Here’s to the people that march and we must keep marching.)
17. Can’t Deny Me
18. Do The Evolution
19. Lukin
20. Porch

Encore Break 1

“Good evening again” Ed checks on the audience. We are asking favors. Ed asks about a sound coming from behind him. He asks if can be turned off. Turns out it is a train going by.
We are asking for favors from our friends. “the last time I saw Tom Petty was right here last summer.” It would mean a lot to me, because if he is out there, metaphysically, I just really want to get his attention. Tom I miss you. So you could you sing along and hold your devices with the lights. Let’s light up the sky. The audience complies generously. Lots of lights.)

21. I Won't Back Down-(Lynne, Petty) Crowd sings along on the chorus. “I love you Tom”
22. Thin Air
(Ed chats about Mariners for a second)
23. All Or None
24. Better Man /Save It For Later-(Charley, Cox, Morton, Steele, Wakeling) (contains part of verse not just “Don’t let me down / Runaway” )
25. Crown Of Thorns-(Mother Love Bone, A. Wood)
(We would like to bring out a friend of ours. He is good friends with Randy Johnson. He is good friends and band mates with Matt Cameron. Soundgarden Total Fucking Godhead is an understatement (Matt is wearing a shirt that says that) Kim comes out and reveals that he is wearing the same stylized Chris Cornell shirt that Matt had been wearing on tour.)
26. Kick Out The Jams-(Davis, Kramer, Smith, Thompson, Tyner) with Kim Thayil (Ed and Mike both kneel and bow at Kim at the end of the song)
(We dedicate this one to Sub Pop records number 30, see you on the beach tomorrow)
27. Spin The Black Circle
28. Rearviewmirror (false start) / Fernando-(ABBA)-30 seconds
(After the first lyric Ed stops playing. Something sounds wrong to him. He knows he has played the song a lot but it didn’t seem right. His solution is to guzzle some wine. He says that the song just sounded like..and starts singing Fernando by ABBA a cappella until Matt gives him a beat. He sings about 25 seconds of the song and says, “It didn’t sound like that?”
Well, playing in front of 40,000 of your friends can be a trip. I was tripping..” They restart the song)
29. Rearviewmirror

Encore Break 2
(Ed was driving by the stadium a few days before the show and saw so many tents. He thought it was ironic that there was such a big homeless camp. Someone pointed out that those tents were people camping out to get front row in the pit. Ed thinks spending two days waiting for a show is too long.
Ed brings out his friend and tech Simon Good. He also introduces Boom Gasper)

30. Crazy Mary-(Williams) / Paint It Black-(Jagger, Richards) :30 riff during solo
31. Jeremy
Between songs a train rumbles by and blows its whistle. “There’s that train again. Do we got something louder than that train?” Matt counts off the next song.
32. Leash
(Ed asks Kim Thayil to come out again and he asks another guitar player out. Mr. Steve Turner. And one of the great, great singers of Seattle so good even Ed’s brother likes him more than Ed as a singer.,. Mr. Mark Arm. Mark notes that the introduction was awkward.)
33. Search And Destroy-(Pop, Williamson) with Mark Arm, Steve Turner and Kim Thayil
34. Sonic Reducer-(Bators, Blitz, Chrome, Magnum, Thomas, Zero) with Mark Arm, Steve Turner and Kim Thayil
35. Alive
36. Baba O’Riley-(Townshend)
(You should take a bow, thank you. Thank you to the activists, big business and small. It was just beyond, beyond. Going into the elections let people know that the homeless issue is important to you. We may be able to effect national change. There can be a plan, there will be a plan. Just don’t give up. This is empowering. This isn’t the time to give up, this is the time to rise up. Thank you Seattle, thank you everyone)
37. Yellow Ledbetter
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs"
Music Box
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Inscription : Mar Déc 05, 2006 12:56 am
Localisation : Liège

Re: August 10 Seattle

Message par dvi2702 » Sam Août 11, 2018 8:34 pm

#jesuisPA :peace:
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Message(s) : 8750
Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: August 10 Seattle

Message par Mikeb » Sam Août 11, 2018 10:13 pm

C'était de la folie ! 3h30 de dingue, le groupe dans une forme incroyable, j'ai pas vu Stone aggrésif comme ça depuis 15 ans au moins. Setlist vraiment bien balancée avec une fin de malade. Bref encore sur mon nuage, j'essaierai de faire une review quand je rentre en Suisse.

PS: pour le merchandising les ricains n'hésitent pas à faire 3 heures de fil pour acheter un t-shirt, jamais vu ça. Donc désolé pour la personne qui m'avait demandé des trading cards mais j'ai pas eu le courage de faire la queue.
1996 London- Zurich
2000 Zurich - London
2006 Bern
2010 Berlin
2014 Berlin
2018 Barcelona - Seattle
Message(s) : 2247
Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 9:46 pm
Localisation : Suisse

Re: August 10 Seattle

Message par blackstars » Dim Août 12, 2018 5:18 pm

Je confirme ya des rifains qui ont fait 4h de queue pour la boutique de merchandising extérieur et même à l'intérieur, celles qui sont au niveau des accès tribunes c'est facile 1h30 de queue (même celle dans la fosse 10C c'est pas loin de 3/4 d'heure - 1h).

Show vraiment génial, mon plus long de Pearl Jam (record de Leeds 2014 et ses 3h20 battu). Les mecs ne voulaient plus quitter la scène LOL. Pourtant et malgré ce show festif, j'ai quand même préféré certaines dates européennes.
Message(s) : 103
Inscription : Sam Jan 30, 2016 10:11 am

Re: August 10 Seattle

Message par Mikeb » Mar Août 14, 2018 1:47 am

J'ai adoré Barcelone cet été mais là pour moi c'était encore le niveau en dessus. J'ai rarement vu Stone, Jeff et Mike jouwr comme ils l'ont fait et la set list était top avec beaucoup de morceaux jamais entendu live. En plus Steve Turner, Mark Arms et Kim Thayil s'était la crise sur le gâteau, ils ont tous l'air de vraiment s'entendre comme des membres d'une famille.
1996 London- Zurich
2000 Zurich - London
2006 Bern
2010 Berlin
2014 Berlin
2018 Barcelona - Seattle
Message(s) : 2247
Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 9:46 pm
Localisation : Suisse

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