29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Tournée Pearl Jam 2013, rumeurs, confirmations, comptes-rendus, souvenirs de la tournée par les membres du forum

29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par dvi2702 » Mer Nov 13, 2013 10:34 am

01. Pendulum
02. Low Light
03. Sometimes
04. Interstellar Overdrive
05. Corduroy
06. Lightning Bolt
07. Mind Your Manners
08. Animal
09. Deep
10. Sirens w/sing along outro
11. Even Flow
12. You Are
13. Given To Fly
14. Infallible
15. After Hours
16. Spin The Black Circle
17. Rats
18. Lukin
19. Last Exit
20. Rearviewmirror

Encore Break 1
21. The End
22. Yellow Moon
23. All Those Yesterdays
24. Just Breathe
25. Mother
26. State Of Love And Trust
27. Why Go
28. Porch

Encore Break 2
29. Better Man/Save It For Later
30. Wasted Reprise
31. Life Wasted
32. Black
33. Alive
34. Rockin’ In The Free World

#jesuisPA :peace:
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Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par thefrenchconnection » Ven Nov 29, 2013 10:14 pm

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Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 8:05 pm

Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par Tremoskito » Ven Nov 29, 2013 10:18 pm

Elle a un ptit côté Tool cette affiche !
J' :love:
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Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par Olikatie » Ven Nov 29, 2013 10:19 pm

pas mal du tout!
:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par Monkey Wrench » Sam Nov 30, 2013 5:28 am

A voir si ils font le plein ce soir. Si mes souvenirs sont bons, les gradins etaient clairsemes lors de eur dernier concert a Portland.
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2008.06.11 West Palm Beach FL
2009.06.23 EV Atlanta GA, 2009.06.24 EV Atlanta GA
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Monkey Wrench
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Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par Olikatie » Sam Nov 30, 2013 9:07 am

12. YOU ARE :D
15. AFTER HOURS (Lou Reed)
17. RATS :D

27. WHY GO

(happy birthday song for Matt)
:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Message(s) : 17466
Inscription : Jeu Jan 01, 1970 2:00 am
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Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par Olikatie » Sam Nov 30, 2013 9:26 am

:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Inscription : Jeu Jan 01, 1970 2:00 am
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Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par PJB » Sam Nov 30, 2013 9:33 am

Tout d abord bravo pour la mise a jour !
Je ne sais pas ou poster ca ?

Sinon cette setlist est extra avec le retour de Black !
Notre ami Ed a t il fait des siennes ?
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Inscription : Jeu Déc 13, 2012 11:43 am
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Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par Olikatie » Sam Nov 30, 2013 9:39 am

34. RitFW
:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Message(s) : 17466
Inscription : Jeu Jan 01, 1970 2:00 am
Localisation : Bienne

Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par Olikatie » Sam Nov 30, 2013 10:04 am

01. Pendulum-(from the new album “Lightning Bolt”)
02. Low Light
03. Sometimes
04. Interstellar Overdrive-(Barrett, Mason, Waters, Wright)
05. Corduroy
06. Lightning Bolt-(from the new album “Lightning Bolt”)
07. Mind Your Manners-(from the new album “Lightning Bolt”)

(Last time we played here it was for a benefit for North West school and it was a much smaller place so thanks for coming)

08. Animal
09. Deep

(Not only is it good to be back but it has gotten even better here. We have a few good friends that have moved, same sex marriage, medical marijuana and the right to die with dignity. You might know our friend, he was in the film “Body Of War”. There is Tomas Young and his wife Claudia. This one is for you two.)

10. Sirens w/sing along outro-(from the new album “Lightning Bolt”)

(Ed sees a couple in the pit that have been throwing confetti during the show. He asks, “what have you got there? Are you guys like some sort of confetti machine? I like it. When I see it I imagine you are the military industrial complex and you are shredding up our money. Are we paying you to be here? No? Well, I will give you....are you from Portland? But you are wearing a Yankees cap? I can’t figure that out..[crowd boos the Yankees hat]..Yeah, because there is such a great rivalry between the New York Yankees and the Portland....uh, I can’t think of the Portland team now...Okay, we are gonna play another new one.”)

11. Even Flow

(Yesterday when everybody was celebrating the pilgrims stealing the Indians food or whatever that was, our reason for being thankful was that it was Matt Cameron’s birthday and he is in our band. He is the goal of what I want to be when I grow up)
12. You Are
13. Given To Fly
(after the song Ed asks some people in the pit to make a little more room. Ed is addressing a guy in a hat and Jeff says, “Hey, that’s Concert Dave!”
Ed responds, “Oh, we know him. Only two people have shirts like that. You and Jeff Ament. Jeff, do you know all these people? This ones for mother earth.”)

14. Infallible-(from the new album “Lightning Bolt”)
15. After Hours-(Reed)
16. Spin The Black Circle
17. Rats
(Ed starts to play but forgets how the song goes. He then talks about how much he hates it when people call Portland “P-Town”. Show some respect. It is like calling Laurence Olivier ‘Larry’ or Barack Obama ‘Barry’. Portlandia, however is great. Which is funny because this song came to me while having some tea at the feminist bookstore”)
18. Lukin
19. Last Exit
20. Rearviewmirror

Encore Break 1
(Ed asks if there is another bottle of wine because he wants to give away the one he has. He jokes, “give it to that kid who looks like he is about five years old. Jeff was saying this is the best Portland crowd since ’92 or ’93 and since that was so long ago all those people must be long dead so this crowd should be all new. Whatever the reason thanks so much..This next one is a request.)

21. The End
22. Yellow Moon-(from the new album “Lightning Bolt”)
23. All Those Yesterdays
(Ed points out Jason Baldwin, one of the West Memphis Three, and asks if this is the first time he has ever seen the band. Ed says that the Three have made his life much richer. “This one is for Jason and Holly, Jason is about to become a married man.”)

24. Just Breathe
25. Mother-(Waters)
26. State Of Love And Trust
27. Why Go
28. Porch

Encore Break 2
(Happy Birthday Matt Cameron)

29. Better Man/Save It For Later-(Charley, Cox, Morton, Steele, Wakeling)
30. Wasted Reprise
(Ed talks about Tomas Young and his wife. He mentions that he heard that some people thought he, Ed, should get over it and move on regarding Dick Cheney. Ed says, “Tell Tomas that he should move on. That it was six years ago, get over it..” Ed says it is important to remember what happened so we don’t let it happen again.)
31. Life Wasted

(Stone starts to play “Alive” and realizes he skipped “Black” The band sort of stops and starts messing around. Ed says he is good either way. The messing around turns into some jazz chords and Ed says, “It’s Matt’s birthday, let’s play some jazz.” Eventually Stone starts playing “Black”)

32. Black
33. Alive
34. Rockin’ In The Free World w/ Carrie Brownstein, Peter Buck, Scott McCaughey, Janet Weiss, Corin Tucker-(Young)
:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Message(s) : 17466
Inscription : Jeu Jan 01, 1970 2:00 am
Localisation : Bienne

Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par thefrenchconnection » Sam Nov 30, 2013 11:10 am

Ce que je trouve dommage c'est dans 90% des fois, on sait à peu près ce qu'il va y avoir dans les encore
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Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 8:05 pm

Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par Yeni » Sam Nov 30, 2013 11:45 am

PJB a écrit :Notre ami Ed a t il fait des siennes ?

ouais il a pissé sur le public car personne ne reprennait en choeur les hu huhu hu de Sirens :mrgreen: :arrow:
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Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par Olikatie » Sam Nov 30, 2013 4:09 pm

:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Inscription : Jeu Jan 01, 1970 2:00 am
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Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par Olikatie » Sam Nov 30, 2013 4:18 pm

Sleater-Kinney reunites at Pearl Jam show

Pearl Jam's headlining set at the Moda Center on Friday night was full of surprises, but they left the biggest for last: a cover of Neil Young's "Rockin' in the Free World" with all three members of Sleater-Kinney. The two groups were joined, too, by two former members of R.E.M. -- Peter Buck and Scott McCaughey, who've joined Pearl Jam on stage before. But Sleater-Kinney, the iconic Olympia-turned-Portland punk band, hasn't hit a stage as a trio since going on hiatus after a Crystal Ballroom show in 2006.

In the years since, members Corin Tucker, Carrie Brownstein and Janet Weiss have struck out with individual projects: among them, Tucker's released two albums with Corin Tucker Band, Brownstein has become a TV star with "Portlandia," and Weiss continues to play in Quasi after a tour of duty with Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks. Weiss and Brownstein teamed with Mary Timony and Rebecca Cole for an album and tour as Wild Flag in 2011, though Timony's since started a new trio, Ex Hex, with an album due next year. Quasi is on break before a December UK tour, the last of its currently announced "Mole City" dates. Brownstein's filming on "Portlandia" Season 4 is over. And Tucker's been reportedly working on a new album with Buck, though nothing's been officially announced yet.

Which is to say: 2014 is starting to look like Sleater-Kinney's year. Here's what Friday night looked like:

-> http://www.oregonlive.com/music/index.s ... l_jam.html
:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Message(s) : 17466
Inscription : Jeu Jan 01, 1970 2:00 am
Localisation : Bienne

Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par Olikatie » Sam Nov 30, 2013 4:19 pm

:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Message(s) : 17466
Inscription : Jeu Jan 01, 1970 2:00 am
Localisation : Bienne

Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par XWayne » Sam Nov 30, 2013 4:38 pm

Olikatie a écrit :Sleater-Kinney reunites at Pearl Jam show

J'ai failli faire une crise cardiaque.
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Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par PJB » Sam Nov 30, 2013 6:42 pm

Yeni a écrit :
PJB a écrit :Notre ami Ed a t il fait des siennes ?

ouais il a pissé sur le public car personne ne reprennait en choeur les hu huhu hu de Sirens :mrgreen: :arrow:

C est pas bien de se moquer de Sirens :love:
Par contre il faut peut etre penser et anticiper pour la sonde urinaire d EV ! :lol: :mrgreen:
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Inscription : Jeu Déc 13, 2012 11:43 am
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Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par Olikatie » Dim Déc 01, 2013 9:08 pm

Don't worry PJB, tu n'es pas le seul à aimer Sirens
:bb: Jeremy est né le 28.04.06 et Fanny le 17.07.09 :bb:
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Message(s) : 17466
Inscription : Jeu Jan 01, 1970 2:00 am
Localisation : Bienne

Re: 29 Novembre - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena

Message par dranx » Dim Déc 01, 2013 9:58 pm

me too je l'aime bien aussi!
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Inscription : Sam Fév 04, 2006 3:20 pm
Localisation : Lyon

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