New York 2 - 04.09.2024

The Green Disease World Tour

New York 2 - 04.09.2024

Message par Francis Vedder » Sam Sep 14, 2024 5:29 pm

Madison Square Garden
New York, NY
September 04, 2024
Show Two

Opening Band: Glen Hansard
Walk On Music: Dark Entry
Band Onstage 08:53
Band Offstage 11:21

Set List

01. Garden
02. Corduroy (during break down Ed tells a story of this bowl rocking so hard it screwed up the lighting portions of the space below. “Let’s do that again”.)
03. Hail Hail
04. Even Flow
(Ed speaks to women’s rights and the need to vote)
05. Daughter/Another Brick In The Wall pt 2-(Waters) (lyrics changed to reflect pro-choice and keeping politics out of women’s bodies) 1:11 tag
06. Dark Matter
07. React, Respond
08. Won’t Tell
09. Not For You/Modern Girl-(Sleater Kinney) :58 tag
10. Wreckage
11. I Am Mine
12. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
(A friend requested the next song which Ed hates playing because he hates guns)
13. Glorified G
14. Do The Evolution
15. Jeremy
16. Waiting For Stevie with Andrew Watt playing guitar
17. Rearviewmirror with Andrew Watt playing guitar

Encore Break

18. I Am A Partriot-(Van Zandt) (Ed solo electric guitar)
19. Just Breathe
(Dedicated to Andrew Greenhall, Allyson Buck and her son, Sam. This song got Ed through hard times)
20. Song Of Good Hope-(Hansard) w/ Glen Hansard acoustic guitar and backing vocals
21. Gimme Some Truth-(Lennon)
22. Setting Sun
23. Sonic Reducer-(Bators, Blitz, Chrome, Magnum, Thomas, Zero)
24. Leash
25. Alive
26. Rocking In The Free World w/ Andrew Watt and Little Steven Van Zandt, Glen Hansard band members
27. Yellow Ledbetter
Francis Vedder
Message(s) : 171
Inscription : Ven Déc 13, 2013 10:41 pm
Localisation : Paris

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