September 18 Austin

September 18 Austin

Message par Denis » Mar Sep 19, 2023 1:34 pm

Pearl Jam
Moody Center
Austin, TX
Show One of Two
Set List

Opening Band: Inhaler

Walk on music: Phillip Glass-Metamorphosis 8:58
Band onstage 8:59
Band offstage 11:11

Set List
01. Nothing Man
02. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
03. Thumbing My Way
04. Footsteps
05. Present Tense
06. Who Ever Said/(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction-(Jagger/Richards) 12 seconds.
07. Save You
08. Corduroy
09. Quick Escape
{Ed introduces Tim Palmer who is in the audience tonight. Tim mixed Ten}
10. Even Flow
11. Out Of My Mind
12. In My Tree
13. Animal
14. Given To Fly
15. I Got ID
16. Porch

Encore Break

17. Wishlist
18. Smile (to back of venue)
{Ed talks about Texas pride and how women are having to leave the state they love to be able to have the freedom to make a choice and he hopes they can change that}
19. Whipping
20. Do The Evolution
21. Spin The Black Circle
22. Alive
23. Baba O’Riley-(Townshend)
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs"
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