11 juin 2016 Bonnaroo

Tournée Pearl Jam 2016, rumeurs, confirmations, comptes-rendus, souvenirs de la tournée par les membres du forum

11 juin 2016 Bonnaroo

Message par Denis » Jeu Jan 21, 2016 5:39 pm

Manchester, Tennessee

Pearl Jam set delayed because of weather
Band Onstage:11:37
Band Offstage: 1:40

(Ed asks the audience if it is past their bedtime)
01. Go
02. Save You
03. Corduroy
(during the intro Ed says “let’s hear it for Macklemore and LCD sound system.” He tells the audience he is happy to be here and that they can play.)
04. Lightning Bolt
05. Given To Fly
06. Nothingman
(“before we play the next song I want to talk about one of the candidates that wants to build a wall.” He points all of the ridiculous, insulting, expensive, bigoted and impossible implications of building such a wall. He offers to give money to build a wall around the unnamed candidate with a viewing port so the candidate could see the obscene gesture Ed would like to show them.)
07. Mind Your Manners
08. Even Flow
09. Wishlist (for Nathan and Jessie [sp] who met ten years ago today in this very spot)
(Ed introduces the next by “the great Joe Strummer”. He talks about Joe’s fondness of festival culture in Europe. Ed notes that Bonnaroo is maybe the first US festival that feels like one of those Euro festivals in it’s positivity.)
10. Arms Aloft In Aberdeen-(Bullen, Shields, Slattery, Stafford, Strummer)
(Ed talks about the transgender bill that was rejected but notes that Representative Susan Lynn has promised to bring it up again. He directs his comments to Rep. Lynn and implores her to join those people who are looking forward to a future rather than continue the bigotry of the past. He lets Rep. Lynn know that she can break her promise to bring back the legislation and live in a future with tolerance.)
11. Daughter
(“Happy Birthday Jeremy”)
12. Jeremy
13. Why Go
14. Porch

Encore Break One

Ed compliments the audience on taking care of each other

15. Oceans
(Ed asks Bonnaroo to do him a favor for someone that means the world to him. “See I got a birthday cake for a girl but I didn’t get any candles. If you light up your phones you could be the candles and when she blows them out you could turn them off. The birthday girl turns out to be Ed and Jill’s daughter Olivia. The audience sings her Happy Birthday and acts as her candles)
16. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
(“This one goes out a guy named Mickey Hart” (almost certainly a reference to the Grateful Dead drummer. The Dead And Friends are playing Bonnaroo the night after Pearl Jam)
17. Comfortably Numb-(Gilmour, Waters) { Ed plays piano on Boom’s riser. Ed thanks Roger Waters for letting them borrow the song on a special night. }
18. Do The Evolution
19. Better Man/Save It For Later-(Charley, Cox, Morton, Steele, Wakeling)
(We have a friend here who has made many records with us)
20. Black w/ Brendan O’Brien playing piano
21. Alive
22. Rockin’ In The Free World-(Young)
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs"
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Re: 11 juin 2016 Bonnaroo

Message par Tremoskito » Lun Juin 13, 2016 11:31 am

Interstellar, Pilate, Comatose rayées de la set list
Baba remplacée par RITFW

+ un duo en hommage à Gary Shandling plus tôt ds la journée :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=p ... L-IsX2Rkjs

Paris 2000, Montréal 2005, Lisbonne x2 2006, Marseille 2006, Paris 2006, Nijmegen 2007, Werchter 2007, Arras 2010, Amsterdam 2 2012, Copenhague 2012, Amsterdam x2 2014, Milan 2014, Berlin 2014, EV Anvers 2017, Cracovie 2018, Barcelone 2018, Paris 2022, Amsterdam 2 2022
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Inscription : Ven Juin 29, 2012 5:38 pm
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Re: 11 juin 2016 Bonnaroo

Message par 4cordes » Lun Juin 13, 2016 8:43 pm

Ten en force (7 titres)
Paris 2000 , Leeds 2006 , Anvers 2006 , Marseille 2006 , Paris 2006 , Londres 2007, Rotterdam 2009, Arras 2010, Arras 2012 (to be continued...)

Keep on rockin' in the free world.....

Amandine est née le 21 mars 2006, Ella est arrivée le 22 octobre 2008, et Sibylle la petite dernière le 17 mars 2010
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Re: 11 juin 2016 Bonnaroo

Message par dvi2702 » Mer Juil 06, 2016 4:47 pm

#jesuisPA :peace:
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Re: 11 juin 2016 Bonnaroo

Message par Denis » Ven Juil 08, 2016 6:54 pm

Harper a exactement le visage de sa mère, c'est assez effrayant :) Et Olivia aura la taille de son père dans une quinzaine de jours #voici #public
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs"
Music Box
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Localisation : Liège

Re: 11 juin 2016 Bonnaroo

Message par Denis » Jeu Juil 14, 2016 1:01 am

"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs"
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Re: 11 juin 2016 Bonnaroo

Message par dranx » Sam Août 06, 2016 10:55 am

Bootleg dispo sur le TC, ça devrait pas tarder...
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