Ft. Lauderdale, FL Broward Center - 30 novembre

La tournée 2012 solo d'Eddie Vedder : setlists, photos, impressions et commentaires

Ft. Lauderdale, FL Broward Center - 30 novembre

Message par dvi2702 » Sam Déc 01, 2012 5:13 am

Membre du pjforum présent: Monkey Wrench


#jesuisPA :peace:
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Re: Ft. Lauderdale, FL Broward Center - 30 novembre

Message par yoyo » Sam Déc 01, 2012 10:20 am

Eddie Vedder
Broward Center For The Performing Arts
Ft Lauderdale, FL
Nov 30, 2012

Show One Set List

01. Throw Your Arms Around Me-(Archer, Falconer, Howard, Mills, Seymour, Smith, Waters)
02. Sometimes
03. Long Road
04. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town

(“This is the first thrash metal ukulele song..”)

05. Can’t Keep
06. Sleeping By Myself
07. Without You
08. Light Today
09. I Am Mine (uses the same fast strumming instrumental break he also uses in “Millworker”. It is not part of the original James Taylor song. The break is Ed’s.)

(Ed thanks the audience for their enthusiastic response. Ed says the next song is about a woman. “But it could go both ways. Like some women and some men. I wish I had homosexual tendencies so I could come down to Florida and really piss some people off when I came out.” A guy in the crowd asks Ed to marry him. Ed ask what he looks like because he sounds a little rough. It goes on from there.)

10. Betterman
11. Setting Forth
12. Far Behind
13. Guaranteed

(Ed talks about the preferred way to hold a guitar which means covering up his balls not up under his chin. Ed says he has “a couple of friends from Chicago. One new and old. So happy birthday to George and Christina.”)

14. Rise

(Ed invites Glen to come play. He asks Glen how is mom is doing (she is at the show) and introduces Glen and the Audience to Mark Richards, a famous surfer. The tape machine and drum box have MR stickers on them. He says, “Mark doesn’t normally get such good seats but since he paddle-boarded from Melbourne we thought we would put him up front.)

15. Long Nights w/ Glen Hansard

(Ed tells the audience that jelly fish are immortal. He explains that when they are starving they shrink up and return to an earlier, younger shape until they no longer need to. He says scientists are studying it learn how to make people live longer. He says being immortal might take away some of the precious moments we treasure as mortal beings..”I’m gonna live forever so fuck it..., So, there needs to be a balance...”)

16. Immortality

(Ed talks about the first time Pearl Jam played Miami at the Cameo Theater. He got a terrible sunburn. When he was climbing around the building, which he contemplates doing tonight, and went into the audience, all of the people clawing at his sunburned back was one of the most physically painful things he ever experienced.)

17. Porch

Encore Break 1

18. Loud Uke
19. You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away-(Lennon, McCartney)

(“This next song is a request. I don’t really do it but I am gonna try.”)

20. Reason To Believe-(Springsteen)
21. Just Breathe

(Ed says the next song is very important to him. The song helped him get through some things in his life and hearing that someone else could go through something so difficult gave him hope knowing that if they got through the situation, maybe he could too.)

22. Good Woman-(Chan Marshall)

Ed notes that he got to sing on “Good Woman” when Chan was recording in Seattle and she sang on his version of “Tonight You Belong To Me.” Ed hadn’t even really seen Chan since then although they are friends. “I am very happy she is here tonight and please treat her with respect - the great Chan Marshall.”)

23. Tonight You Belong To Me w/ Chan Marshall [Cat Power]-(Rose/David)
24. Society w/ Glen Hansard-(Hannan)
25. Sleepless Nights w/Glen Hansard-(Bryant, Bryant) (Busk-no PA or mics)

(Crowd is very noisy for this song. A drunk shouts “Let’s go Patriots.” This causes Ed and Glen to stop playing and say “f you” to the idiot. It also causes more drunken shouting for other teams and requests and general shushing. They quickly finish the song and move back to the mics. After Ed and Glen get back to the carpet Ed admonishes the first person that yelled, saying, “I don’t care who you root for, it is more your timing.”)

(During the first quiet verse of “Falling Slowly” some other person shouts “Patriots Suck”)

26. Falling Slowly w/ Glen Hansard-(Hansard, Irglová)
27. Unthought Known
28. Rockin’ In The Free World-(Young)

Encore Break 2

29. Hard Sun w/ Glen Hansard & Chan Marshall-(Peterson)
30. Tomorrow Night-(Traditional)

Please share your experiences of the show here...the Fanview threads are preserved on the board.

Please keep the Fanview threads for Fanviews. It's ok to begin another thread on discussions of other topics and/or debates.

Thank you! :)

Glen Hansard Set List
01. Leave
02. Pennies In The Fountain
03. Love Don’t Leave Me Waiting/Respect-(Redding)
04. This Gift
05. Your Hearts Not In It
06. High Hope
07. Heyday-(Mic Christopher)
08. Astral Weeks-(Van Morrison)/Smile-(Ament, Vedder)
09. Devil Town-(Daniel Johnston)
Liam, 25 septembre 2012 / Aimy-Sarah, 11 mars 2008 / Juliette, 23 octobre 2005
1996 : Paris
2000 : Paris
2006 : Anvers, Marseille, Paris
2007 : Londres, Nimègue, Werchter
2008 : Ed solo : Los Angeles 1, Los Angeles 2
2009 : Londres
2010 : Dublin, Arras
2012 : Amsterdam 1, Arras, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhague
2014 : Milan
2017 : Ed solo : Amsterdam 1
2018 : Rome
2020 : Paris, Amsterdam 1, Amsterdam 2
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Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 8:21 pm
Localisation : Beaupuits (27) / Dreux (28)

Re: Ft. Lauderdale, FL Broward Center - 30 novembre

Message par dvi2702 » Sam Déc 01, 2012 12:06 pm

23. Tonight You Belong To Me w/ Chan Marshall [Cat Power]-(Rose/David)
:love: :prie:
#jesuisPA :peace:
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Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: Ft. Lauderdale, FL Broward Center - 30 novembre

Message par Denis » Sam Déc 01, 2012 1:49 pm


et Throw Your Arms Around Me grâce à Mark Richards. Cool.
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs"
Music Box
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Re: Ft. Lauderdale, FL Broward Center - 30 novembre

Message par loupiotte » Dim Déc 02, 2012 12:08 am

Je veux bien le boot de ce live. :D
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Inscription : Sam Avr 05, 2008 12:47 pm
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Re: Ft. Lauderdale, FL Broward Center - 30 novembre

Message par Monkey Wrench » Mar Déc 04, 2012 3:39 am

Bon, de retour. Une petite review, vous avez la setlist et les commentaires, donc je fais pas long.

Pas le moindre contrôle à l'entrée de la salle, aucune sécurité. J'ai jamais vu ça. Tu pouvais rentrer dans la salle sans billet, y'avait juste un papy de 70 ans qui venait te montrer ton siège. Si j'avais su, j'aurais pris mon reflex.

Place Ten Club, pas aussi bien placé quen 2009 à Atlanta, mais bien quand même. 15ème rang sur la droite.


La salle est bien remplie pour le set de Glen. Pas trouvé la folie d'un Liam Finn, mais le bonhomme nous pond un set solide. Je regrette de ne pas connaitre toute sa discographie pour être plus dedans.

Début du show sur Throw Your Arms Around Me. Autant vous dire que le public a explosé et que j'avais une banane énorme en travers de la tronche. Le début du set est parfait (Small Town lol) avec mention spéciale pour Long Road et Light Today qui est absolument phénoménale avec le bruit des palmiers en fond sonore.



Et Chan en rappel... Punaise, ma chanteuse préférée sur scène avec Ed. Quand on sait qu'elle était à l'hosto il y a deux mois... J'en ai presque eu la machoire qui est tombée de la voir arriver toute timide avec son mohawk blonde platine. J'esperais secrètement qu'elle reste un peu plus longtemps pour une ou deux chansons supplémentaires (chose faite le lendemain finalement). Un gros moment d'émotion.


Enorme concert. Un Ed en feu, tellement content d'être sur scène.

Ahh oui et je sais pas si je deviens vieux, mais j'apprécie de plus en plus ces concerts assis dans des sièges confortables. Parce que les concerts européens de cet été avec des boulets qui se numérotent parmi et qui pètent un plomb quand tu sautes de joie en écoutant les premières notes de Habit (c'est la faute à yoyo. lol). On se serait cru le dimanche à l'église et ça m'a vraiment saoulé.
1996.11.09 Zürich CH
2000.06.23 Zürich CH
2006.09.23 Marseille FR, 2006.09.13 Berne CH, 2006.09.23 Berlin DE
2008.06.11 West Palm Beach FL
2009.06.23 EV Atlanta GA, 2009.06.24 EV Atlanta GA
2012.07.04 Berlin DE, 2012.07.10 Copenhage DK, 2012.11.30 EV Ft. Lauderdale FL, 2012.12.01 EV Ft. Lauderdale FL
2017.06.07 EV London UK
2022.06.23 Zürich CH
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Monkey Wrench
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Inscription : Mar Fév 07, 2006 1:46 pm

Re: Ft. Lauderdale, FL Broward Center - 30 novembre

Message par dranx » Mar Déc 04, 2012 3:06 pm

T'as vraiment eu du bol, deux très belles setlist !!! Thanks pour la review et les photos !
Message(s) : 5891
Inscription : Sam Fév 04, 2006 3:20 pm
Localisation : Lyon

Re: Ft. Lauderdale, FL Broward Center - 30 novembre

Message par dvi2702 » Mar Déc 04, 2012 9:42 pm

Bonne petite review. Merci !
C'est quand même autre chose qu'une simple setlist posée sur le pit.
#jesuisPA :peace:
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Message(s) : 8750
Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

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