Austin, TX Bass Concert Hall - 11 novembre

La tournée 2012 solo d'Eddie Vedder : setlists, photos, impressions et commentaires

Austin, TX Bass Concert Hall - 11 novembre

Message par dvi2702 » Dim Oct 28, 2012 3:20 pm


01. Tuolumne (played by Ed live. Starts with the curtain down, halfway through the song curtain raises revealing Ed playing guitar)
02. Small Town
03. Can’t Keep
04. Sleeping By Myself
05. Without You

(Ed asks the house lights be brought up. He says, “Maybe because it is a college but not only are you a good looking group but you look smart as well.” He talks about the football game on Saturday and how Coach Royal would be proud of that first play.” He shows the audience that the stool he is sitting on is a Texas Longhorns stool. He has been using it for years and for all of his solo tours, “So Austin, you are always on my mind....or under my ass, however you want to think about it.” Ed notes that the last few ukulele songs were sad but the next couple are going to be happy just to balance it out.)

06. Your True (during the instrumental outro Ed says this is the part where the couple in the song ride off into the sunset)
07. Light Today
08. Trouble-(Yusuf Islam)
09. Wishlist

(Ed talks about how working with Tim Robbin’s on “Dead Man Walking” lead to meeting Sean Penn, who tried to get Ed to act in a film. Ed declined the acting and eventually Sean asked him to record a song for “I Am Sam”. That lead to writing “Into The Wild” which finally gave Ed the impetus to do solo tours.)

10. You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away-(Lennon, McCartney)

(A person in the crowd is screaming random nonsense. Ed ask the person if they are all right and if their wife brought their medication. Ed notes that the crowd the night before got a little out of hand and while it doesn’t bother him much he feels a responsibility to the others in the audience that might be bothered by it so he is going to try and settle down some of the shouting. He then tells the story about the time he climbed some scaffolding on the Capitol building and got all the way to the top.

11. Far Behind
12. Setting Forth
13. Guaranteed

(Ed asks the crowd if they know Howard Zinn? They do and Ed goes on to say my friend Douglas Brinkley, a great writer and historian is here tonight and it is a real pleasure to play in front of him tonight)

14. Guaranteed

(Ed notes that the sing language interpreters are not here tonight. He misses them and says they were great. He had a whole list of words he wanted wanted to get them to act out. He explains to the audience members that weren’t here Friday what they were doing. He spells out the word he used repeatedly at the previous show that got so much attention and that the interpreters spelled and mimed Ed mimes the gesture himself while telling the story. “Again, it’s a compliment, it’s not a bad thing....”)

15. Rise

(Eddie invites out Glen Hansard and notes, “you were right, this is a good crowd”. “This song was originally written for the film “Body Of War” about Tomas Young. I have been thinking about him a lot today. (Today is Veterans’ Day)

16. Long Nights

(Some guy in the audience shouts something at Ed. Eddie asks him to repeat himself, when he still can’t make it out he says, “we talked about this before, take the cock out of your mouth and say it again.” The guy says he wants a beer and a joint. Ed says well, I am sure you can get a beer up there and probably find whatever else you need. I would love to help you out but everybody else would have to wait for about ten minutes while I try to get up there...”)

17. Better Man

(Ed says, “Now I feel kinda bad, do we have a song called ‘beer and joint’? If not we should totally write one. We could do it on this instrument right here.” He pulls out his Gibson electric Ukulele. He demonstrates how it sounds acoustically and how it sounds through his guitar amps. He then plays..)

18. Loud Uke-(new song) Same as the song played in El Paso [called Les Paul Uke on that set list]. Ed adds a lyric “All I need is a beer and a joint” a reference to the guy in the audience that Ed has been teasing.)

19. Fourth Of July-(Dave Alvin)
20. Porch

Encore Break 1

(Ed asks for a person named Dennis to come down. Dennis brought Ed a typewriter. It has a USMC stamp on it. Dennis included a note that says the typewriter belonged to Dennis’ dad who passed away a few years ago. Ed thanks him and says it means the world to him. “That this was given to me on Veteran’s Day isn’t lost on me.” Ed talks about his friends that were in the military or are currently in the military. He goes on to talk about how he is sometimes accused of being anti-soldier because he is against the wars we are in. He says it is exactly the opposite. “It is because I care about the soldiers that I am anti-war. I am pro soldier and I care about them.” He also talks about now that we are not raising money for the presidential campaign we can go back to raising money for various charities that need help like wounded warriors or Sean Penn’s group in Haiti. Let’s look out for our folks here (in the military). It is a travesty that they aren’t taken of.)

21. Masters Of War-(Dylan)

(Ed says two of his favorite Texans are here in Austin. One is Keith “Zonk” Moreland here in the audience. He says t”he other Texan is Willie Nelson.” Willie covered my song “Just Breathe’ and if Willie was here I would tell the guy in the back to talk to Willie, he could set him up)

22. Just Breathe (after the song Ed plays a little of the “Willie” version)

(Ed explains the origin of the wings that sit behind him. He talks about losing Dennis Flemion and how sudden and tragic it was and still is. He is very happy to be able introduce Dennis’ brother and bandmate Jimmy Flemion. Jimmy comes out and is clearly emotional. He thanks Ed for all the nice things he has done for them and The Frogs. Jimmy dedicates the next few songs to Dennis.)

23. The Longing Goes Away w/ Jimmy Flemion-(The Frogs)

(Ed says “Those of you wanting to get into the music business should listen to this song. I want to warn you that you probably don’t need a major record label anymore. This song was written when you did.)

24. Starboy w/ Jimmy Flemion-(The Frogs)
25. Society w/ Glen Hansard-(Hannan)
26. Sleepless Nights-(busking style-no mics or PA)
27. Falling Slowly w/ Glen Hansard-(Hansard, Irglová)

(Ed thanks Glen and Jimmy for coming out and singing with him. He asks the audience to sing with him as well)

28. Unthought Known
29. Arc

Encore Break 2

30. Hard Sun w/ Glen Hansard and Jimmy Flemion-(Peterson)

(Ed talks a little bit about the show originally was to be in May and the injury he received. He thanks the audience for coming out and says that the other big problem with the show being rescheduled for today meant he missed his wife’s birthday so even though she had a good day he wants to play one song for her.)

31. Picture In A Frame-(Brennan, Waits)


#jesuisPA :peace:
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Message(s) : 8750
Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: Austin, TX Bass Concert Hall - 11 novembre

Message par yoyo » Lun Nov 12, 2012 9:52 am

pas mal celle là aussi!
Liam, 25 septembre 2012 / Aimy-Sarah, 11 mars 2008 / Juliette, 23 octobre 2005
1996 : Paris
2000 : Paris
2006 : Anvers, Marseille, Paris
2007 : Londres, Nimègue, Werchter
2008 : Ed solo : Los Angeles 1, Los Angeles 2
2009 : Londres
2010 : Dublin, Arras
2012 : Amsterdam 1, Arras, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhague
2014 : Milan
2017 : Ed solo : Amsterdam 1
2018 : Rome
2020 : Paris, Amsterdam 1, Amsterdam 2
Message(s) : 7514
Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 8:21 pm
Localisation : Beaupuits (27) / Dreux (28)

Re: Austin, TX Bass Concert Hall - 11 novembre

Message par yoyo » Mar Nov 13, 2012 12:19 am

Liam, 25 septembre 2012 / Aimy-Sarah, 11 mars 2008 / Juliette, 23 octobre 2005
1996 : Paris
2000 : Paris
2006 : Anvers, Marseille, Paris
2007 : Londres, Nimègue, Werchter
2008 : Ed solo : Los Angeles 1, Los Angeles 2
2009 : Londres
2010 : Dublin, Arras
2012 : Amsterdam 1, Arras, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhague
2014 : Milan
2017 : Ed solo : Amsterdam 1
2018 : Rome
2020 : Paris, Amsterdam 1, Amsterdam 2
Message(s) : 7514
Inscription : Ven Fév 03, 2006 8:21 pm
Localisation : Beaupuits (27) / Dreux (28)

Re: Austin, TX Bass Concert Hall - 11 novembre

Message par dvi2702 » Mar Nov 13, 2012 10:10 pm

#jesuisPA :peace:
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Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: Austin, TX Bass Concert Hall - 11 novembre

Message par dvi2702 » Mar Nov 13, 2012 10:47 pm

Eddie Vedder and Glen Hansard fumbling during their unplugged performance of Sleepless Nights in Austin:

Image Image
#jesuisPA :peace:
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Message(s) : 8750
Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

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