Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

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Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par Denis » Dim Août 03, 2008 9:11 pm

nouveau serveur, même lenteurs et plantages... Mais j'ai juste eu le temps de voir qu'à 21h03 il n'y avait plus de Dusseldorf... Amine, tenté ta chance?
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs"
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Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par mickael » Dim Août 03, 2008 9:19 pm

Virginia beach et April fools tour n°2 pour moi, j'avais aussi le camden rouge, j'ai hésité, et je l'ai viré, je le tenterai sur le 10C
2006: Paris
2007: Londres, Düsseldorf
2009: Londres
2010: Dublin, Belfast
2012: Stockholm, Oslo
2014: Amsterdam I & II, Leeds
2018: Prague, Barcelone
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Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par dvi2702 » Jeu Déc 04, 2008 10:47 am

Dent and Scratch Mysteries!!


Alright folks, here's the deal...I am still cleaning house and trying to free up as
much space in the flat files as possible for future prints. So I figured why not do
the 'ol dent and scratch mystery tube thing. It will be 2 posters for $20 plus
shipping and handling... they are all packed beforehand, so we don't know which
posters you will get in your tube. If you're interested, they are up for sale now.

Now some of these are posters that folks have returned because they had a crease
in them or some minor edge damage, but most of them are prints that were somewhat
out of registration or the ink was thin. Some of these discrepancies are almost
non-existent and I found myself having a hard time figuring out why I didn't sell it
originally...others are more noticeable. It did make me realize on some that I can be
to picky and finicky at times.

Some of the posters are from the signed and numbered editions and it wasn't until I
was packing them that I saw the flaw, and others are the overs that were slightly off
that the folks at D&L usually have from every print run, and those are not signed. How
many overs there are depend on how difficult a poster is to print... sometimes there
are only a few overs, sometimes there are more. An example of this is the Pearl Jam
Honolulu poster... there were about 50 of those that were out of registration enough
or the inks kept thinning out in parts. If you don't know what registration means, check
out these pictures, you can see that the blue outline didn't line up as it should have:

So, for some of the posters in the mystery sale, like Honolulu, there are a lot, others maybe
only 1 or 2. Here's a list of posters that will be a part of the sale:

- LA 06
- GORGE 05
- GORGE 06

- CHICAGO (yes, they are signed)



So there you have it... have at it.

Along with the mystery tubes, there are also a few left overs from the last sale...
my inventory tracker always shorts me a few here and there, so like the last
time, have a look around... a few posters will be available again from the last sale,
like the "Judge" and South America poster and a few others.

That's all for now, all the orders from the last sale have been packed and mailed
out and have arrived in a lot of places in the US, international orders should be
arriving any day now if they haven't been already. If for some reason you don't
receive your order in the next two weeks, email us and we'll look into it. I am
hoping to get the "Jury" print finished and printed in the next two weeks...hoping to...
the Widespread Panic NYE poster is almost done and should look really good...
so as always, stay tuned.

Be seeing you...
#jesuisPA :peace:
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Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par strummer » Jeu Déc 04, 2008 10:49 am

déjà sold out fallait s'y attendre, fuck 20 dol c'était pas cher
paris marseille barcelone vérone berne londres dusseldorf munich berlin los angeles los angeles londres manchester dublin belfast stockholm manchester milan
Message(s) : 9354
Inscription : Mer Mai 03, 2006 3:19 pm

Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par strummer » Ven Déc 12, 2008 10:57 am

Ok, so I've been getting a lot of emails inquiring about the refunded dent and scratch
tubes, and I apologize for not responding to those very eager inquiries and taking this
long to let you all know what I've decided to do. I had packed about half the dent and
scratch tubes prior to the sale but still needed to finish the rest after the sale, and
one of the posters that had yet to get added into the tubes was the Honolulu poster.
Being that I hadn't looked at this stack of overs since I put them in a drawer 2 years
ago, when it came time to pack them, I couldn't mark them as dented and scratched...
about half of them were in really good shape, no dents nor scratches. So I decided I
would pull these from the dent and scratch sale and just offer these individually.
Being that there are maybe 25 and lots of people want these... I've decided the only
way to do this is via email.

So, this Sunday the 14th if you want to try and get one one of these, send an email to:
info@artillerydesign.com at 1 PM PST and write HONOLULU in the subject line and
please include your address and country in the email. I will send out paypal invoices
to the first people that respond at 1 PM, so don't jump the gun, 12:59 is not 1 PM. If
you don't receive an invoice, then unfortunately you missed it. Please don't send an
email asking if you got one, the inbox is already going to be pretty full with emails
to tend to... and it's just me here, designer/customer service/shipping guy...

The poster will be $45 plus shipping, not signed but marked with an "OV" for over.

Art of Musical Maintenance 5
There are still a few posters of mine available at Goodfoot Gallery's website from
their big poster show in Portland. They have a ton of posters from lots of different
artists, and 6 of mine. I believe most of the Pearl Jam posters are still available for
purchase... Virignia Beach, Hartford, and Camden (red). You can see all the posters
they have here: http://thegoodfoot.com/gallery/

Screens N' Spokes
There are also still posters available for purchase from the Screens N' Spokes show...
again, lots of good artists involved. They still have copies of my "Ganesh" print available,
so if you're looking for that one, check them out, and if you're not looking for that one,
maybe they have something else that you might like better... it's a good cause 100% of
the proceeds from sales benefit the National MS Society.

That's it for now, Widespread NYE poster went to print today, so all you Denver Panic
folks keep an eye out for it on Dec. 30th. With that out of the way, it's back to finishing
up the "Jury"...and then two more January art prints before I move on to the "Executioner".

I hope you all are well and warm oou.

Be seeing you...

PS... I am trying to get a hold of someone whose name I unfortunately can't
remember... and can't find the emails.. If you're out there, you had emailed me
a few times about doing posters for shows in South America, we traded a few
emails back and forth about the possibility of me doing some posters for you in
the future... I have a question for you about that. All apologies for forgetting
your name, it was a while back, and it's tough to keep everyone's name straight
from all the emails... so if you're reading this, email me info@artillerydesign.com

paris marseille barcelone vérone berne londres dusseldorf munich berlin los angeles los angeles londres manchester dublin belfast stockholm manchester milan
Message(s) : 9354
Inscription : Mer Mai 03, 2006 3:19 pm

Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par mickael » Jeu Mai 14, 2009 8:14 am

Mail du bonhomme

Here's what's on deck for Summer 2009...
- Big Business poster May 25th at Neumos in Seattle
- Another round of collaborations with Ed for his solo tour in June/July
- Charity art print for fundraiser in Japan to help stop shark finning
- Escape From Absurdia: Day 16 art print
- Another Flight to Mars poster
- Some Pearl Jam summer tour posters
- Art print collaboration with N8 Van Dyke
- and a few other things I am not at liberty to discuss just yet....
2006: Paris
2007: Londres, Düsseldorf
2009: Londres
2010: Dublin, Belfast
2012: Stockholm, Oslo
2014: Amsterdam I & II, Leeds
2018: Prague, Barcelone
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Inscription : Dim Mai 07, 2006 6:51 pm
Localisation : Far ouest

Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par strummer » Jeu Mai 14, 2009 1:51 pm

oh oui un petit dusseldorf bis ! pas de refus
paris marseille barcelone vérone berne londres dusseldorf munich berlin los angeles los angeles londres manchester dublin belfast stockholm manchester milan
Message(s) : 9354
Inscription : Mer Mai 03, 2006 3:19 pm

Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par dvi2702 » Mer Juin 10, 2009 10:12 pm

Update avec les 2 posters 2009 Eddie Vedder Tour mais Not yet available for purchase
#jesuisPA :peace:
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Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par mickael » Mer Juin 10, 2009 10:20 pm

on attendra la fin de la tournée, une perle pour honolulu?...
2006: Paris
2007: Londres, Düsseldorf
2009: Londres
2010: Dublin, Belfast
2012: Stockholm, Oslo
2014: Amsterdam I & II, Leeds
2018: Prague, Barcelone
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Inscription : Dim Mai 07, 2006 6:51 pm
Localisation : Far ouest

Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par mickael » Jeu Juin 18, 2009 8:02 am

Ben non...

Newsletter Klausen

Eddie Vedder Hawaii poster
Originally I was going to do a poster for the Hawaii shows of the tour,
unfortunately Ed wasn't into his first concept I had done for him and sent
me back to the drawing board and then wasn't into the 2nd attempt. So I did
two totally different posters, but neither were what Ed was looking for... and
time has run out. And that's a shame, I was liking the 2nd one... but so it goes...
2006: Paris
2007: Londres, Düsseldorf
2009: Londres
2010: Dublin, Belfast
2012: Stockholm, Oslo
2014: Amsterdam I & II, Leeds
2018: Prague, Barcelone
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Inscription : Dim Mai 07, 2006 6:51 pm
Localisation : Far ouest

Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par dvi2702 » Jeu Juin 18, 2009 8:10 am

B.Klausen a écrit :Eddie Vedder 2009 Tour Poster

Keeping in line with the last two legs of Ed's solo tour posters, here's another
shot of Ed, this time the photograph used was taken by Liam Finn.
The poster is 16"x24", 2 colors and signed and numbered.
They will be $50 plus shipping.

Eddie Vedder 2009 Tour Poster - EVel Rocket

In case it's not obvious yet, Ed is a fan of Evel Knievel. Will our hero make it
across the canyon...? Only time will tell...
The poster is 18"x24",5 colors (the gold is metallic, unlike the show copies) and
signed and numbered. They will be $60 plus shipping.
#jesuisPA :peace:
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Message(s) : 8750
Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par baroud » Ven Juin 19, 2009 3:58 pm

The original sale date for the Big Business and Eddie Vedder posters
is being changed from Monday June 22nd at 10 PM PST to:

Tuesday June 23rd at 1:30 PM PST.


Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par saimon » Lun Juin 22, 2009 9:20 pm

Ce qui fait 21h30 demain si je ne me trompe pas?
Paris (Bercy) 11/09/06
Rotterdam (Ahoy) 13/08/09
Arras (Mainsquare) 3/07/10 ; Bilbao (BBK Festival) 9/07/10 (accolade avec Mike McCready!)
Arras (Mainsquare) 30/06/12 ; Stockholm (Ericsson Globe) 7/07/12 ; Oslo (Spektrum) 9/07/12 ; Copenhague (Forum) 10/07/12
Leeds (First Direct Arena) 8/07/14 ; EV Meco (Superbock Superrock Festival) 18/07/14
Barcelone (Palau St Jordi) 10/07/18 ; Madrid (Mad Cool Festival) 12/07/18 ; Lisbonne (Nos Alive Festival) 14/07/18
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Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par Denis » Lun Juin 22, 2009 9:27 pm

saimon a écrit :Ce qui fait 21h30 demain si je ne me trompe pas?

je pense que c'est +9, mais je peux me tromper.

http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ ne se trompe pas.
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs"
Music Box
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Inscription : Mar Déc 05, 2006 12:56 am
Localisation : Liège

Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par Québec fan » Mar Juin 23, 2009 10:38 pm

:) :)
-Mtl 98-Mtl 00-TO 03-Mtl 03-Bos04/09/28-Bos 04/09/29-Kitchener 05-London 05-Hamilton 05-Mtl 05-Ottawa 05-Qc City 05-TO 06/05/09-TO 06/05/10-Alb NY 06/05/12-Htd CT 06/05/13-Bos MA 06/05/24-Bos MA 06/05/25-Marseille FR 06-Paris FR 06-Bern 06-Munich GER 07-London UK 07-Düsseldorf 07-eV Van BC 080402-eV Van BC 080403-NYCity MSG 080624-NYCity MSG 080625-eV Mtl 80809-eV Mtl 080810-eV Alb NY 090608-eV Alb NY 090609-TO 09-Sea WA 090921-Sea WA 090922-Bos 10-Newark 10-NYCity MSG 100520-NYCity MSG 100521..
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Québec fan
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Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par dvi2702 » Jeu Fév 04, 2010 11:06 pm

#jesuisPA :peace:
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Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par dvi2702 » Ven Mai 28, 2010 11:37 pm

From a Basement in Seattle: The Poster Art of Brad Klausen
de Brad Klausen (Illustrations), Eddie Vedder (Introduction), Jeff Ament (Introduction)


http://www.amazon.fr/Basement-Seattle-P ... 944&sr=8-1

Product Description

An extensive look into the creative process through which artist Brad Klausen generates imagery for rock posters for Pearl Jam, Built to Spill, Queens of the Stone Age, and others. Included alongside the image of each finished poster are sketches and detailed commentary of the story behind the execution and concept of the individual designs.
#jesuisPA :peace:
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Localisation : Grenoble

Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par dvi2702 » Dim Août 22, 2010 10:58 am

From A Basement In Seattle...


I am finally a few days away from finishing the design and layout of my book,
From A Basement In Seattle: The Poster Art Of Brad Klausen. The book should
be ready to go to print in the next few days! It will be released this fall and I
will have copies available for purchase on my site. The details haven't been
figured out just yet, but there will hopefully be a print the same size as the
book also available when purchased on my site. The book covers 70 posters
I've created over the past 6 years, including sketches and parts used to
make each one along with a brief commentary on the concept and/or
execution of each design. Once we have all the details figured out, I'll be
sending out more information on the book release... in the meantime, I
attached a few images of some of the pages to give you a taste.

There's a few more posters lined up for the Fall as well, so stay tuned for
more info on those...

I hope you are all doing well!

#jesuisPA :peace:
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Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par dvi2702 » Jeu Oct 21, 2010 1:14 pm

"From A Basement In Seattle" Pre-Order

http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=070 ... 5a88660e15

After many months, the book is now finally done and ready for pre-order.
The book is softbound, 10.75" x 12.5", 156 pages and covers 70 posters I've
created over the past 6 years, including sketches, parts, and stories behind
the process and inspiration of each one. Jeff Ament wrote the foreward
and Eddie Vedder wrote the introduction.

The book is available for pre-order on the site now, under the "BOOKS"
link within the 2010 year.

http://www.artillerydesign.com/main.php ... d=125&pg=0

The book is $25 plus shipping and all copies sold on my site are signed by me.

Books will ship towards the end of November.
#jesuisPA :peace:
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Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble

Re: Le site de B.KLAUSEN - Artillerydesign.com

Message par dvi2702 » Ven Déc 03, 2010 7:38 pm

Brad Klausen was at the Elliot Bay Book Company last night signing copies of his book "From a Basement in Seattle". He signed books answered questions and talked about designing posters and art:

http://insidetherockposterframe.blogspo ... gning.html

Quelqu'un a pris son bouquin ?
Moi oui ! 8-)
#jesuisPA :peace:
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Inscription : Lun Déc 18, 2006 5:20 pm
Localisation : Grenoble


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