
Last night I saw Pearl Jam live in Little Rock! Here's the brief version of the story: I went to Little Rock and dropped off my mom at the airport. She's spending the week in California with my aunt, who's visiting from India. Anyway, after she went to board her flight, I went and visited with Hai and Kel for awhile. We were at the Underground Pub with my brother and some of his friends. The burgers were delicious. Anyway, so Hai and Kel took off and my brother, his friends, and I went to go see Pearl Jam at Alltel Arena across the river. We rode the bus.

So when we go to enter, they stop me and won't let me in since I have my pocket knife. I had two options: 1) Go back to the car (across the river) and put it up, or 2) Let the security jerk throw it away. My brother gives me option 3) hide it in the bushes. We went with option 3. Now you have to know something about this pocket knife. It's the best gift Shawn ever got me. I've had it for years and love it quite a bit. Obviously I was quite reluctant to put it in the bushes, both because it's a gift from Shawn and because it's a great knife that cost around $35. Anyway, so I noted which bush I hid it in and went inside.

The concert was absolutely great. Pearl Jam is a great live band. They definitely have an energetic show, with only a few mid-tempo/slow songs to lower the excitement. They played a lot of their well-known songs (though "Jeremy" and "Yellow Ledbetter" were MIA). They did a couple of Who covers too, namely "The Kids are Alright" and "Baba O'Riley". I'd have to say of all the songs they did, "Alive," "Do the Evolution," and "Baba O'Riley" were my favorites. "Better Man" was also very good. All in all, it was a really great show. I had a great time.