a car
I got some gas
Oh, let's get out of here
Get out of here fast
Ah, everyone's confused so I stay in my room
If I go, I don't want to go alone
I hope you got this message, oh, your not home
I could be there in ten minutes or so
Oh, I got my things
We'll make it up as we go along
Oh, with you I could never be alone
Never be alone |
J'ai une voiture
J'ai un peu d'essence
Oh, partons d'ici
Partons vite d'ici
Ah tout est confus, alors je reste dans ma chambre
Si je pars, je ne veux pas partir seul
J'espère que tu as eu ce message, tu n'es pas chez toi
Je pourrais être la dans une dizaine de minute
J'ai quelques affaires avec moi
On s'occupera de ça en chemin
Oh, avec toi je ne pourrais jamais me sentir seul
Jamais me sentir seul |
chanson qui, malgré les apparences, a bien un titre, "Untitled"
(sans titre), est présente presque systématiquement
en live lorsque la chanson MFC (album yield) est jouée.
Untitled introduit alors MFC, cette dernière racontant
un "voyage" que font un homme et une femme, et qui s'avère
être la vie, tout simplement.
Traduction & interprétation: nocode.fr.fm
ever hear the story of Mr. faded glory?
Say he who rides a pony must someday fall
I was talkin' to my alter
Says life is what you make it
And if you make it death well rest your soul away
Away, away...
It's a broken kind of feeling
She'll have to tie me to the ceiling
A bad moon's comin' better say your prayers
I wanna tell you that i love you
But does it really matter?
I just can't stand to see you dragging down again
Again, again...
So I'm singing
And this is my kinda love
It's the kind that moves on
It's the kind that leaves you alone, yeah
This is my kinda love
It's the kind that moves on
It's the kind that leaves me alone
I used to treat you like a lady
Now you're a substitute teacher
This bottle's not a pretty, not a pretty sight
I owe the man some money so I'm turnin over honey
Ah Mr. faded glory is once again doin' time, yeah
This is my kinda love
It's the kind that moves on
It's the kind that leaves me alone, yeah
This is my kinda love
It's the kind that moves on
It's the kind that, it's the kind that...
Leaves me alone
Like a crown of thorns, it's all who you know
So don't burn your bridges cause someday, yeah
So I'm singing
This is my kinda love
It's the kind that moves on
It's the kind that leaves me alone, yeah
This is my kinda love
It's the kind that moves on
It's the kind that
Leaves me alone
Don't burn your bridges....
... |
don't mind stealing bread
From the mouths of decadence
But I can't feed on the powerless
When my cup's already overfilled
But it's on the table
The fire's cooking
And they're farming babies
While the slaves are all working
The blood is on the table
And their mouths are choking
But I'm growing hungry
I don't mind stealing bread
From the mouths of decadence
But i can't feed on the powerless
When my cup's already overfilled
But it's on the table
The fire's cooking
And they're farming babies
While the slaves are all working
And it's on the table
The mouths are choking
But I'm growing hungry
I'm going hungry...
I don't mind stealing bread
No, I don't mind stealing bread
I'm going hungry...
I'm going hungry...
de TSIS:
I think this is a song that comments on the people who take advantage
of the welfare programs and eventually end up with babies they
can't take care of.
"The mouths of decadence" are the people who are on
government programs that go by the rule; more kids=more aid or
money. He's saying he doesn't mind taking away these people's
money (bread) because they are crooks and disgusting human beings
who use the miracle of life to receive more money. But then he
realizes that he would be making things worse for the "powerless"
which are the kids. He says that he realizes he is much more fortunate
than these kids so he can't do anything (but I can't feed on the
powerless, when my cup's already overfilled), but "he's going
hungry". He has had it with this situation.
"And they're farming babies, while the slaves are all working".
The slaves are the rest of society. We work and pay taxes so these
people can ruin kids' lives and receive more money.
And yes, this is a big problem in our country. "But it's
on the table, the fire's cooking". He's telling us that the
problem is here and getting worse.
I like the way he ends it with "I'm going hungry....".
It suggests a sense of anger but also a concerned Eddie at the
same time because he hasn't decided how to take action. He is
just telling us he also doesn't quite have a solution but something
has to be done. |
lived on a curve in the road, in an old, tar-paper shack
On the south side of the town, on the wrong side of the tracks
Sometimes on the way into town we'd say:
'mama, can we stop and give her a ride?'
Sometimes we did, but her hands flew from her side
Wild eyed, Crazy Mary
Down a long dirt road, past the parson's place
That old blue car we used to race
Little country store with a sign tacked to the side
Said 'no L-O-I-T-E-R-I-N-G allowed'
Underneath that sign always congregated quite a crowd
Take a bottle, drink it down, pass it around
Take a bottle, drink it down, pass it around
Take a bottle, drink it down, pass it around
One night thunder cracked, mercy backed outside her windowsill
Dreamed i was flying high above the trees, over the hills
Looked down into the house of Mary
Bare bulb on, newspaper-covered walls, and Mary rising up above
it all
Next morning on the way into town
Saw some skid marks and followed them around
Over the curve, through the fields, into the house of Mary
That what you fear the most, could meet you halfway
That what you fear the most, could meet you halfway
Take a bottle, drink it down, pass it around
Take a bottle, drink it down, pass it around
Take a bottle, drink it down, pass it around
... |
drifter on the hill...why do I?
One must have a heart of steel...why do I?
It's not how you look but how you feel...why do I?
You must have a heart of steel...why do I?
Why do i keep fucking up?
I can see you on the hill...why do I?
All comatose but walking still...why do I?
Flowing curves beneath your flowing gown...why do I?
Oh, only i can bring myself down...why do I?
Why do i keep fucking up?
Bowman's pick and dogs that bite...why do I?
Oh, dogs that howl through the night...why do I?
Oh, broken leashes all over the floor...why do I?
Keys left hanging in a swinging door...why do I?
Why do I keep fucking up?
... |
you masters of war, you that build all the guns
You that build the death place, you that build all the guns
You that hide behind walls, you that hide behind desks
I just want you to know, I can see through your masks
You that never done nothing, but to build and destroy
You play with my world, like its your little toy
You put a gun in my hand, then you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farher as the fast bullets fly
Like Judas of old, you lie and deceive
A world war can be won, and you want me to believe
But I see through your eyes, and I see through your brain
Like I see through the water that runs down my drain
You that fasten all the triggers, for the others to fire
Then you sit back and watch, while the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion, while young people's blood
Flows out their bodies and is buried in the mud
You've thrown the worst fear, that could ever be hurled
The fear to bring children, into this world
For threatenin' my baby, unborn and unnamed
You ain't worth the blood that runs in your veins
How much do I know, to talk out of turn?
You might say that I'm young, you might say I'm unlearned
But there's one thing I know, though I'm younger than you
Even Jesus would never forgive what you do
Let me ask you one question, is your money that good?
Will it buy you forgiveness? Do you think that it could?
Oh, I think you will find, when your death takes its toll
All the money you made will never buy back your soul
And I hope that you die, and your death will come soon
I'll follow your casket, in the pale afternoon
And I'll watch as your lowered, into your deathbed
And I'll stand on your grave till I'm sure that your dead
Venez, vous les maîtres de la guerre, vous qui construisez
tous les fusils
Vous qui construisez la maison de la mort, vous qui construisez
tous les fusils
Vous qui vous cachez derrière des murs, vous qui vous cachez
derrière des bureaux
Je veux juste que vous sachiez, je peux voir à travers
vos masques
Vous qui n'avez jamais rien fait, à part construire
et détruire
Vous jouez avec mon monde, comme si c'était votre petit
Vous me mettez un pistolet dans les mains, puis vous vous cachez
loin de mes yeux
Puis vous faites demi-tour et courrez plus loin que la plus rapide
des balles puisse aller
Tel Judas, vous mentez et décevez
Une guerre mondiale peut être gagnée, et vous voulez
que j'y crois
Mais je vois à travers vos yeux, et je vois à travers
vos cerveaux
Comme je vois à travers l'eau qui coule dans mes égouts
Vous qui préparez toutes les gâchettes afin que les
autres tirent
Puis vous vous asseyez et regardez, pendant que le compteur de
morts augmente
Vous vous cachez dans vos villas, pendant que le sang des jeunes
Coule hors de leur corps et est enterré dans la boue
Vous avez lancé la pire des peurs, qui aurait pu s'abattre
La peur d'amener des enfants, dans ce monde
Pour menacer mon bébé, pas encore né et sans
Vous ne méritez pas le sang qui coule dans vos veines
Qu'est ce que j'en sais, je parle sans que ce soit mon tour
Vous pourriez dire que je suis jeune, vous pourriez dire que je
suis inculte
Mais il y a une chose que je sais, bien que je sois plus jeune
que vous
Même Jesus ne pardonnerait jamais ce que vous faites
Laissez moi vous poser une question, votre argent est il si bon
Est-ce qu'il achètera votre pardon ? Pensez vous qu'il
le puisse ?
Oh je pense que vous trouverez, quand votre heure viendra
Tout l'agent que vous avez gagné ne rachètera jamais
votre âme
Et je souhaite votre mort, et elle viendra bientôt
Je suivrai votre cercueil, dans une pale après-midi
Et je vous regarderai descendre, dans votre lit de mort
Et je resterai sur votre tombe jusqu'à ce que je sois sur
que vous soyez mort. |
chanson de Bob Dylan, chantée pour la première fois
par Eddie Vedder, accompagné de Mike McCready, lors du
"30th anniversary tribute" de Bob Dylan. Cette chanson
doit avoir un sens particulier pour Eddie Vedder, lorsque l'on
sait qu'il voue une haine sans limite aux armes.
Cette chanson est un discours d'un jeune homme dirigé contre
les fabriquants d'armes. Eddie la chante avec une force inouïe.
Traduction & interprétation: nocode.fr.fm
can you say that you're not responsible
What does it have to do with me
What is my reaction, what should it be
Confronted by this latest atrocity
To tears...
Driven to tears
Driven to tears
Driven to tears
Oh yeah...
Hide my face in my hands, shame wells in my throat
A comfortable existence is reduced to a shallow, meaningless party
Seems that when some innocent die
All we can offer them is a page in a fuckin' magazine
Too many cameras and not enough food, and this is what we've seen
Driven to tears
Driven to tears
Driven to tears
Oh yeah...
Protest is futile, nothing seems to get through
What's to become of our world, and who know's what to do
Driven to tears
Driven to tears
Driven to tears |
In The Free World |
are colors on the street...red, white, and blue
People shufflin' their feet, people sleepin' in their shoes
There's a warnin' sign in the road ahead
There's a lot of people sayin' we'd be better off dead
Don't feel like Satan, but I am to them
So I try to forgive 'em, any way I can, yeah...
Keep on rockin' in the free world
I see a girl in the night with a baby in her hands
Under an old street light, oh, near a garbage can
Now she put her kid away, she's gone to get a hit
She hates her life, and what she's done with it
That's one more kid, that'll never go to school
Never get to fall in love, never get to be cool
Keep on rockin' in the free world
( The US of A, the United States )
( Ain't a free place, it's not a free place )
( Ain't got the right to choose, barely got the right to vote
( There they got the right to make an honest buck )
( The USA ain't a free, free place )
There's a thousand points of light for the colored man
There's a kinder, gentler police man's hand
There's department stores, and toilet paper
Styrofoam garbage for the Ozone layer
There's a man of the people, said 'keep hope alive'
Got fuel to burn, got roads to drive
Keep on rockin' in the free world |
Il y a des couleurs dans la rue... Rouge, blanc et bleu
Des gens qui traînent des pieds, des gens qui dorment
avec leurs chaussures
Il y a un panneau de danger devant sur la route
Il y a beaucoup de gens qui disent qu'on ferait mieux de mourir
Je ne suis pas comme Satan, mais je les comprends
Alors j'essaye de les pardonner, de n'importe qu'elle façon
que je puisse...
Continue de faire du rock dans le monde libre
Je vois une fille dans la nuit... avec un bébé
dans ses mains
Sous un vieux lampadaire, près d'une poubelle
Maintenant elle met son enfant de coté, elle est partie
chercher son bonheur
Elle déteste sa vie, et ce qu'elle en a fait
C'est un enfant de plus, qui n'ira jamais à l'école
Qui ne tombera jamais amoureux, qui ne sera jamais heureux
Continue de faire du rock dans le monde libre
(Les Etats-Unis d’Amérique)
(Ne sont pas un endroit libre, ce n'est pas un endroit libre)
(On n’a pas le droit de choisir, à peine le droit de
(Ici ils ont juste le droit de faire de l'argent honnêtement)
(Les USA ne sont pas un endroit libre)
Il y a des milliers de points de lumières, pour l'homme
de couleur
Il y a la main d'un gentil policier
Il y a les rayons des magasins, il y a du papier toilette
Des déchets pour la couche d'ozone
Il y a un homme du peuple qui dit "gardez l'espoir en vie"
On a de l'essence à brûler, et des routes à
Continue de faire du rock dans le monde libre
hyper connue des amateurs de Pearl Jam, très souvent jouée
en live, particulièrement en clôture de concert.
Une chanson qui critique les USA et la société actuelle,
au vu du nombre important d'exclus. Une chanson qui s'est transformée
en hymne à la vie et au rock.
Traduction & interprétation: nocode.fr.fm
A melody always finds me
Whenever the thought reminds me
A pulse and a chain inside my head
A melody chord unwinds me
A rhythm of life unties me
Bustlin a silent time away
If you look with your mind
Do you know what you will find?
Open your mind...
Even the words they fail me
Oh quite but still they fill me
I never say what I want to say
It's only a word believe me
If only the world could see me
I have a silent word to him...
If you look with your eyes
Do you know what you will find?
Open your mind...
The melody always finds me
Whenever the thought reminds me
Breaking a chain inside my head
A melody chord unwinds me
A rhythm of life unties me
Burning a silent time away
If you look with your mind
Do you know what you will find?
Open your mind...
Open your mind...
Open your mind
... |
here in the fields, I fight for my meals
I get my back into my livin'
I don't need to fight to prove I'm right
I don't need to be forgiven
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Don't cry, don't raise your eye
It's only teenage wasteland, yeah...
Sally take my hand, we'll travel south cross land
Put out the fire, and don't look past my shoulder
The exodus is here, the happy ones are near
Let's get together, before we get much older
Teenage wasteland, on the teenage wasteland
Teenage wasteland, oh yeah, teenage wasteland
They're all wasted
... |
You've been hanging around
With an enemy of the state
Come with me to the building
That no one stops to watch
C'mon bleed
C'mon bleed
C'mon bleed
Bleed for me
We'll strap you to a pipe
Electrodes on your balls
C'mon scream
C'mon writhe
Face down in a pool of piss
C'mon bleed
C'mon bleed
C'mon bleed
Bleed for me
In the name of world peace
In the name of world profits
America pumps up our secret police
America wants fuel
To get it, it needs puppets
So what's ten million dead?
If it's keeping out the russians
We're well trained by the CIA
With yankee tax money in ft. bragg
The peace corps builds us labor camps
When they think they're building schools
When cowboy ronnie comes to town
Forks out his tongue at human rights
Sit down, enjoy our ethnic meal
Dine on some charbroiled nuns
Try a medal on
Smile at the mirror as the cameras click
Smile at the mirror as the cameras click
And make big business happy!
Maybe you'll just disappear
C'mon bleed
C'mon bleed
C'mon bleed
Bleed for me
... |
Some folks are born, made to wear the flag
Oh, they're red, white and blue
And when they play: "hail to the chief"
Oh, they point the cannon at you
It ain't me, it ain't me; I'm no fortunate son
It ain't me, it ain't me; I'm no fortunate one
Some folks are born silver spoon in hand
Lord, don't they help themselves
And when the taxman knocks on their door
Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yeah yeah
It ain't me, it ain't me; I'm no fortunate son
It ain't me, it ain't me; I'm no millionaire's son, no no
Some folks are born, star spangled eyes
Oh, they send you out to war
And when australia asks, "how much do we give?"
Oh, they just ask for more and more and more and more and more,
It ain't me, it ain't me; I'm no millionaire's son, no
It ain't me, it ain't me; I'm no fortunate one, one one
It ain't me, it ain't me; I ain't no CIA's son, no
It ain't me, it ain't me; I'm no fortunate son, son son
... |
a little bit closer
Hear what I have to say
Just like children sleepin’
We could dream this night away.
But there’s a full moon risin’
Let’s go dancin’ in the light
We know where the music’s playin’
Let’s go out and feel the night.
Because I’m still in love with you
I want to see you dance again
Because I’m still in love with you
On this harvest moon.
When we were strangers
I watched you from afar
When we were lovers
I loved you with all my heart.
But now it’s gettin’ late
And the moon is climbin’ high
I want to celebrate
See it shinin’ in your eye.
Because I’m still in love with you
I want to see you dance again
Because I’m still in love with you
On this harvest moon
... |
used to be on an endless run
Believed in miracles 'cause I'm one
I have been blessed with the power to survive
After all these years I'm still alive
I'm out here kickin' with the band
Suddenly I'm a solitary man
Every day my time runs out
Lived like a fool, that's what i was about
Oh I believe in miracles
Oh I believe in a better world for me and you
Oh-oh-oh, I believe in miracles
Hey I believe in a better world for me and you
Tattooed your name on my arm
I always said my girl's a good luck charm
If she can find a reason to forgive
Then i can find a reason to live
I used to be on an endless run
Believed in miracles 'cause I'm one
I have been blessed with the power to survive
After all these years I'm still alive
Oh I believe in miracles
Oh I believe in a better world for me and you
Oh-oh-oh, I believe in miracles
Oh I believe in a better world for me and you
I close my eyes and think how it might be
The future's here today
It's not too late
It's not too late, no!
Oh I believe in miracles
Oh I believe in a better world for me and you
Oh-oh-oh, I believe in miracles
Oh I believe in a better world for me and you
... |
had enough of reading things
From neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
All I want is the truth
just give us some truth
I've had enough of watching scenes
From short-sighted, narrow-minded, momma's little hypocritics
No short-haired, yellow-bellied son-of-tricky-dicky's
All I want is the truth
Just give us some truth
No short-haired, yellow-bellied son-of-tricky-dicky's
Gonna mother hubbard soft soap me with just a pocket full of hope
Money for rope
Covered in hopes
I've had enough of reading things
From tight-lipped, condescending, momma's little hypocritics
All I want is the truth
Just give us some truth
I've had enough of hearing things
From schizophrenic, egocentric, momma's little chauvinists
All I want is the truth
Just give us some truth
No short-haired, yellow-bellied son-of-georgy-porgy's
Gonna mother hubbard soft soap me with just a pocket full of hope
Money for rope
Money for hope
No short-haired, yellow-bellied son-of-georgy-porgy's
Gonna mother hubbard soft soap me with just a pocket full of hope
It's money for rope
A corporate hope
I've had enough of reading things
From tight-lipped, condescending, momma's little chauvinists
All I want is the truth
Ahh, all we want is the truth
I've had enough of reading things
From pig-headed, tight-lipped politicians
All I want is the truth
Just give us some truth
All I want is the truth
Just give us some truth
All I want is the truth
Just give us some truth
Just give us some truth...
I stand head in hand
Turn my face to the wall
If she's gone I can't go on
Feeling two foot small
Everywhere people stare
Each and every day
I can see them laugh at me
And I hear them say
Hey! you've got to hide your love away
Hey! you've got to hide your love away
How can I even try?
I can never win
Hearing them, seeing them
In the state I'm in
How could she say to me
"Love will find a way?"
Gather round all you clowns
Let me hear you say
Hey! you've got to hide your love away
Hey! you've got to hide your love away... |
... |
people seem so obsessed with the morning
Get up early just to watch the sun rise
Others like it more when there's fire in the sky
Worship the sun when it's high
Some people go for those sultry evenings
Cocktails in the blue, red and grey
But i like every minute of the day
I dig every second
So long as you are on my mind
Each precious moment has its special charm
It's all right when you're around, rain or shine
I know a crowd who only lives after midnight
Their faces always seem so pale
And then there's friends of mine who must have sunlight
They say a sun tan never fails
I know i was a man who worked a night shift
I was lucky to get a job and some pay
Now i like every minute of the day
I dig every second
I can laugh in the snow and rain
I get a buzz from being cold and wet
The pleasure seems to balance out the pain
And so you see that I'm completely crazy
I even shun the south of France
The people on my hill, they say I'm lazy
But when they sleep, I sing and dance
So I know a crowd who.. something
Cocktails in the blue, red and grey
But I like every minute of the day
I like every minute of the day...
... |
don't mind all the guys dancing with my girl
That's fine, I know them all pretty well
And I know sometimes I must get out in the light
Better leave her behind where the kids are alright
The kids are alright
Sometimes, I know I gotta get away
Bells chime, I know I gotta get away
And I know if i don't, I'll go out of my mind
Better leave her behind where the kids are alright
The kids are alright
I know if I go things would be a lot better for her
I had things planned but her folks wouldn't let her
Sometimes, I know I gotta get away
Bells chime, I know I gotta get away
And I know if I don't I'll go out of my mind
Better leave her behind where the kids are alright
The kids are alright
I don't mind all the guys dancing with my girl
That's fine, I know them all pretty well
And I know sometimes I must get out in the light
Better leave her behind where the kids are alright
The kids are alright
The kids are alright
The kids are alright...
... |
is a public service announcement
With guitar
Know your rights
You got a right not to kill
Murder is a crime
Unless it is done
Unless it is done by a policeman
Or an aristocrat
Oh, know your rights
You have the right to food money
Provided at cost,
You don't mind a little investigation, humiliation
And if you cross your fingers
Perhaps retaliation
Know you rights
These are your rights
Know your...
now these rights
You have the right to free speech
As long as you're not dumb enough to actually try it
Know your rights
These are your rights
Know your rights
These are your rights
For freedom
Maybe it's been suggested in some quarters,
That this is not enough
So get up, get up and scream, oh!!
Get up and scream, ahh oh!! |
... |
number's up, my time has come
Sounds like they're playin' my song
On the altar, my picture...
Will be there while i'm gone
There'll be time for laughin'
There's no time to cry
Soon i will be leavin'
Look me in the eye
No matter what's in front of me
It's your face that i'll see
And the future of our young ones
Yeah this is what fuels me
There's no time for laughin'
There's no time to cry
Soon i will be leavin'
Look me in the eye
The oath i took not so seriously
The world's gathered steam and caught up with me
And my decision's been made, from some other place
By someone i don't know and they don't know me
This is no time for laughin'
There's no time to cry
Soon i will be leavin'
Look me in the eye |
numéro est sorti, mon heure a sonné
On dirait qu'ils sont entrain de jouer ma chanson
Sur l'autel, ma photo
Sera la lorsque je serai parti
Il y aura un temps pour rire
Il n'y a pas lieu de pleurer
Bientôt je partirai
Regarde moi dans les yeux
Peu importe ce qu'il y a devant moi
C'est ton visage que je verrai
Et l'avenir de nos enfants
Oui c'est ce qui me donne des forces
Il n'y a pas lieu de rire
Il n'y a pas lieu de pleurer
Bientôt je partirai
Regarde moi dans les yeux
Le serment que j'ai pris à la légère
Le monde m'a emporté dans sa confusion
Et ma décision a été prise, quelque part
Par quelqu'un que je ne connais pas et ils ne me connaissent pas
non plus
Ce n'est pas le moment de rire
Il n'y a pas lieu de pleurer
Bientôt je partirai
Regarde moi dans les yeux |
chanson (X-Mas single 2001), au cours de laquelle un type fait
ses adieux et s'apprête à partir au combat. Il se
plaint de ne pas maîtriser son destin, et d'être envoyé
au front par des individus qu'il ne connaît pas, et pour
des raisons qu'il ignore.
Traduction & interprétation: nocode.fr.fm
down your arms and surrender to me
Oh lay down your arms and love me peacefully
Use your arms for squeezing and pleasing the one that loves you
Oh there ain't no reason for you to declare war on the one who
loves you so
So forget the other boys because my love is real
Come off your battlefield
Lay down your arms and surrender to me
Yeah lay down your arms and love me peacefully
Use your arms for squeezing and pleasing that's the way it's got
to be
The welcomes you're using are hurting me bad
But someday you're going to retreat
Cause my love baby is the truest you've ever had
A soldier of love that's hard to beat
Lay down your arms and surrender to me
Lay down your arms and love me peacefully, yeah...
Use your arms to hold me tight...baby I don't wanna fight no more
Use your arms to hold me tight...baby I don't wanna fight no more
Oh baby, lay down your arms
Oh baby, lay down your arms
Oh baby, lay down your arms
Oh baby, lay down your arms
Please baby lay down your arms
... |
don't need anyone, don't need no mom and dad
Don't need no good advice, don't need no human rights
I got some news for you, don't even need you too
I got my time machine, got my 'lectronic dream
Sonic reducer, ain't no loser
Sonic reducer, ain't no loser
People out on the streets, they don't know who i am
I watch them from my room, they are just passing by
I'm not just anyone, he's not just anyone
I got my time machine, got my little 'lectronic dream
Sonic reducer, ain't no loser
Sonic reducer, ain't no loser
Sonic reducer, ain't no loser
Sonic reducer, ain't no loser
I'll be your pharoah soon, this one's a cotton tune
Things will be different then, the sun will rise from here
Then I'll be ten feet tall, then you'll be nothing at all
I got my time machine, got my 'lectronic dream
Sonic reducer, ain't no loser
Sonic reducer, ain't no loser
Sonic reducer, ain't no loser
Sonic reducer, ain't no loser |
... |
Like an angel, fly over your house
Like an angel, pass out wishes
Like an angel, I will move the arrow
Like an angel, I live alone
I'm not livin' what was promised
I am close but can't enjoy
Oh, I'm not dyin'
Oh, I'm so tortured, 'cause I see all
Tortured, and all I cannot do
Tortured, all I should have done
Tortured, while I occupied a man
I'm not livin' what was promised
I am far from glorified
Oh, I'm not dyin'
Oh, I'm not alone
Mine is not a celestial state with idle hymns of praise
Time is short, I have an appointment at noon, at noon in Hell
Across the waste of space and fields of air I glide, alone at
Oh please, please think of me, 'cause I'm, I'm by your side
I'm by your side, I'm by your side, oh...
I'm...I'm right in front of you...I'm by your side... |
un ange, je vole au-dessus de ta maison
Tel un ange, je reçois des voeux
Tel un ange, j'enlèverai la flèche
Tel un ange, je vis seul
Je ne vis pas ce qui m’était promis
Je suis proche mais je ne peux pas en jouir
Oh, je ne suis pas entrain de mourir
Oh, Je suis si torturé, parce que je vois tout
Torturé, et tout ce que je ne peux pas faire
Torturé, et tout ce que j'aurais du faire
Torturé, pendant que j'occupai un homme
Je ne vis pas ce qui m'etais promis
Je suis loin d'être reconnu
Oh, je ne suis pas entrain de mourir
Oh, je ne suis pas seul
Je ne suis pas dans un état céleste avec des hymnes
vains de prières
Le temps est compté, j'ai un rendez-vous à midi,
à midi en Enfer
A travers le gâchis d'espace et de terrains je glisse, seul
dans la nuit
Oh s'il te plait, s'il te plait pense à moi, parce que
je, je suis à tes cotés
Je suis à tes cotés, je suis à tes cotés...
Je suis... je suis juste en face de toi... je suis à tes
cotés... |
(x-mas single 1993) raconte la vie d'un type seul, incompris,
qui ne vit pas ce qu'il voudrait, et qui n'est pas reconnu pour
ce qu'il fait. Il exhorte les gens à le voir, lui qui est
la, mais qui ne retient l'attention de personne.
Traduction & interprétation: nocode.fr.fm
be shy, just let your feelings roll on by
Don't wear fear or nobody will know you're there
Just lift your head, and let your feelings out instead
And don't be shy, just let your feeling roll on by
On by, on by...
You know love is better than a song
Love is where all of us belong
So don't be shy, just let your feelings roll on by
Don't wear fear or nobody will know you're there
You're there, you're there...
Don't be shy just let your feelings roll on by
And don't wear fear or nobody will know you're there
You know love is better than a song
Love is where all of us belong
Belong-long-long... |
sois pas timide, laisse tes sentiments s'exprimer
Ne porte pas la peur, sinon personne ne saura que tu es là
Allez repose ta tête, et laisse plutôt tes sentiments
Et ne sois pas timide, laisse tes sentiments s'exprimer
Tu sais l'amour c'est mieux qu'une chanson
L'amour c'est là qu'on se retrouve tous
Alors ne sois pas timide, et laisse tes sentiments s'exprimer
Ne porte pas la peur, sinon personne ne saura que tu es là...
Ne sois pas timide, laisse tes sentiments s'exprimer
Ne porte pas la peur, sinon personne ne saura que tu es là
Tu sais l'amour c'est mieux qu'une chanson
L'amour c'est là qu'on se retrouve tous... |
chanson de Cat Stevens, reprise parfois en live par Eddie &
co, belle et apaisante, qui incite les personnes timides à
s'exprimer et ne pas garder leurs sentiments pour eux, afin de
vaincre cette timidité qui les empêche de vivre sereinement.
Traduction & interprétation: nocode.fr.fm
And the rivers shall open
for the righteous (2x)
And the rivers shall open for the righteous, someday
I went walking, with my brother
And he wondered, oh, how I am
Said what I believe with my soul
Ain't what I see with my eyes
And there's no turning back this time
I am a patriot, and I love my country
Because my country is all I know
I wanna be with my family
People who understand me
I got no place else to go...I am a patriot...
I went walking, with my girlfriend
She looked so fine, I said baby what's on your mind
She said I wanna run like the lions
Released from their cages
Released from the rages burning in my soul tonight...I am a patriot...
And I ain't no communist, and I ain't no socialist
And I ain't no capitalist, and I ain't no imperialist
And I ain't no democrat, I sure ain't no republican either
I only know one party, and that is freedom, I am, I am, I am
I am a patriot, and I love my country
Because my country is all I know
And the rivers shall open for the righteous (2x)
And the rivers shall open for the righteous, someday
Someday, someday, someday…
... |
My lips are shaking my nails
are bit off.
Been a month since I've heard myself talk.
All the advantage this life's got on me.
Picture a cup in the middle of the sea.
And I fight back in my mind. Never lets me right out.
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show.
Oh, I walked the lie when you held me in that night.
I walked the line when you held my hand that night.
On empty shell seem so easy to crack.
Got all these questions. Don't know who I could even ask.
So I'll just lie alone and wait for the dream where I'm not ugly
and your looking at me.
And I stay in bed. Oh, in a little while I'll see you.
If just once I could feel love, oh, stare back at me. Yeah.
But I walked the lie when you held me in that night.
Oh, I walked the lie when you held my hand that night.
Oh, I walked the lie when you held me close that night.
I paid the price. Never held you in real life.
My lips are shaking...
Mes lèvres tremblent
et mes ongles sont rongés.
Ça fait un mois que je ne me suis pas entendu parler.
Tout l’avantage que cette vie a sur moi.
Imaginez une tasse au milieu de l’océan.
Et je me bats dans ma tête. On ne me laisse jamais avoir
J’ai des souvenirs, j’ai que dalle à tel point que ça
se voit pas.
Oh j’ai marché droit lorsque tu m’as retenu cette nuit-là.
J’ai marché droit lorsque tu as pris ma main cette nuit-là
Une coquille vide semble si facile à briser.
J’ai tant de questions, je ne sais même pas à qui
les poser.
Je vais donc juste m’allonger seul et attendre le rêve
dans lequel je ne suis pas moche et tu me regardes.
Et je reste au lit, dans quelques instants je te verrai.
Si juste une fois je pouvais ressentir de l’amour, oh regarde
moi bien dans les yeux aussi, yeah.
Oh j’ai marché droit lorsque tu m’as retenu cette nuit-là.
J’ai marché droit lorsque tu as pris ma main cette nuit-là.
Oh j’ai marché droit lorsque tu m’as serré fort
cette nuit-là.
J’ai payé le prix. Je ne t’ai jamais tenu dans mes bras
dans la vraie vie.
Mes lèvres tremblent… |
Traduction: elodye / pjforum |
I heard about a man to whom
I may be related. He's leatherman.
Died a long time ago in the 1880's. Leatherman. Leatherman.
Covered with leather but it wasn't tight. Underneath a moon in
the woods at night.
Making the rounds ten miles a day. Once a month they'd spot him
and here's what they'd say.
"Here he comes. He's a man of the land. He's leatherman
Smile on his face. Axe in his pack.
He's leatherman. Leatherman. Leatherman."
Comes out of the caves once a day to be fed.
He wasn't known to stay much but, "Thanks for the bread."
So, modern day I walk my way with my jacket faded just like a
man of leather whom I may be related.
Rolled cigarette for which he'd ask for a light.
Appear to be an animal. Yet, so polite.
Making the rounds ten miles a day. Once a month they'd spot him
and here's what they'd say
"Here he comes he's a man of the land. He's leatherman
Smile on his face. Axe in his hand.
He's leatherman. Leatherman. Leatherman."
Leatherman. Leatherman.
Shake his hand. He's leatherman. Bake some bread. He's leatherman.
Shame he's dead. I saw his bed.
It's all that's left of leatherman. Leatherman.
Give me some skin Leatherman.
J’ai entendu parler d’un homme
qui pourrait bien être un parent à moi. C’est leatherman
(homme en cuir).
Il est mort il y a longtemps dans les années 1880. Leatherman,
Couvert de cuir mais pas trop serré. Sous la lune dans
les bois la nuit
Effectuant ses tournées, quinze kilomètres par
jour. Une fois par mois, on le repérait et voilà
ce qu’on en disait :
"Le voilà, c’est un homme de la terre. C’est leatherman.
Sourire au visage, hâche dans son sac.
C’est leatherman, leatherman, leatherman"
Il sort de sa grotte une fois par jour pour être nourri,
Il était connu pour ne par dire grand chose à
part "merci pour le pain".
Et de nos jours, je continue mon chemin avec ma veste usée
tout comme un homme en cuir à qui je serais apparenté.
Il roulait ses cigarettes et demandait du feu.
Il semblait être un animal et pourtant il était
si poli.
Effectuant ses tournées, quinze kilomètres par
jour. Une fois par mois, on le repérait et voilà
ce qu’on en disait :
"Le voilà, c’est un homme de la terre. C’est leatherman.
Sourire au visage, hâche dans son sac.
C’est leatherman, leatherman, leatherman"
Leatherman, leatherman.
Serrez sa main. C’est leatherman. Faites du pain. C’est leatherman.
Dommage qu’il soit mort. J’ai vu son lit.
C’est tout ce qu’il reste de leatherman. Leatherman.
Donnez-moi du cuir.(jeux de mots aussi avec serre-moi la main…)
elodye / pjforum
Inspiration |
And I wished for so long.
Cannot stay.
All the precious moments. Cannot stay.
It's not like wings have fallen. Cannot stay.
But still something's missing. I cannot say, yeah.
Holding hands are daughters and sons.
And their faiths are falling down, down, down, down.
I have wished for so long. How I wish for you today.
Will I walk the long road? (the long road) Cannot stay. (the long
There's no need to say goodbye. (to say goodbye)
All the friends and family.
All the memories going round, round, round, round.
I have wished for so long. How I wish for you today.
And the wind keeps roaring. And the sky keeps turning grey.
And the sun is set. The sun will rise another day.
I have wished for so long. How I wish for you today.
I have wished for so long. How I wish for you today.
Will I walk the long road? We all walk the long road.
Will I walk the long road? We all walk the long road.
Will I walk the long road?
Will I walk the long road? We all walk the long road.
Will I walk the long road? We all walk the long road.
Will I walk the long road? |
interprétation de TSIS:
Long Road is about losing someone you haven't seem for a while,
but you loved this person anyway, now this person is dead. And
you want to be with this person, but now it's impossible. And
you are with the family, holding their hands in this very hard
moment "holding hands of daughters and sons/ And their faiths
are falling down" and you remember all your moments together
"all the memories going round". But it's also a message
of hope behind the death "there's no need to say goodbye"
and as "the sun will rise another day" you will be able
to see this person at the other side, maybe in some other life,
who knows?.. |
Tidal waves don't beg forgiveness
Crash, then on their way
Father, he enjoyed collisions
Others walked away
The snowflake falls in may
And the doors are open now
As the bells are ringing out
Cuz the man of the hour
Has taken his final bow
Goodbye for now
Nature has its own religion
Gospel from the land
Father ruled by long division
Young men, they pretend
Old men comprehend
And the sky breaks at dawn
Shedding light upon this town
We all come 'round
Cuz the man of the hour
Has taken his final bow
Goodbye for now
And the road, the old men paved
The broken seams along the way
The rusted signs, they're just for me
He was guiding me, love, his own way
Now the man of the hour
Has taken his final bow
As the curtain comes down
I feel that this is just
Goodbye for now |
Les raz de marée ne
demandent pas pardon
Ils détruisent et puis se retirent
Père, adorait les heurts
D'autres ont passé leur chemin
Les flocons de neige tombent en mai
Et maintenant les portes sont ouvertes
Au moment ou sonnent les cloches
Parce que l'homme du moment
A tiré sa révérence
Au revoir à présent
La nature a sa propre religion
L'évangile de la terre
Père contrôlait par de longues divisions
Les jeunes gens, ils faisaient semblant
Que les plus âgés comprenaient
Et le ciel s'illumine à l'aurore
Diffusant sa lumière sur la ville
Nous revenons à nous
Parce que l'homme du moment
A tiré se révérence
Au revoir à présent
Et la route, que les anciens ont tracé
Les coutures déchirées au fil du temps
Les panneaux rouillés, ils me concernent
Il me guidait, l'amour, sa propre voie
Désormais l'homme du moment
A tiré sa révérence
Au moment ou le rideau se referme
Je sens qu'il s'agit
D'un au revoir à présent
Traduction: monsieur eddie / pjforum |
State of love and trust as
I busted down the pretext.
Sin still plays and preaches but to have an empty court. Uh huh.
And the signs are passing. grip the wheel can't read it.
Sacrifice receiving the smell that's on my hands. Hands, yeah.
And I listen for the voice inside my head. Nothing. I'll do this
one myself.
Lay her down as priest does. Should the lord be a counting?
Will be in my honor. Make it pain, painfully clear. Uh huh.
Promises are whispered in the age of darkness.
Want to be enlightened like I want to be told the end. End, yeah.
And the barrel shakes aimed a-directly at my head.
Oh help me. Help me from myself.
And I listen from both sides of a friend. Nothing. I'll do this
one myself..
Uh huh huh oh. Myself. Myself.
Yeah yeah.
Hey, na na na na. Hey that's something. (x3)
Want-it back, back to the left. Yeah. huh uh.
And I listen oh for the voice inside my head. Nothing. I'll do
this one myself.
Oh, ah and the barrel waits. Trigger shakes. Aimed right at my
Won't you help me? Help me from myself.
State of love and trust and a...
State of love and trust and a...
State of love and trust and a...
State of love and... |
interprétation de TSIS:
I think this one is about a guy who's completely lost it because
of a break up. The guy's an emotional wreck because he was madly
in love with this woman. "sin still plays and preaches but
to have an empty court"-- I think that says that means the
signs for the break up are still in his head, and he's reminded
of the emptiness he now has.
With all this empitness, he's resulted to one thing, sucicide.
"and I listen for the voice inside my head, nothing, I'll
do this one myself"
"should the lord be a-counting? will be in my honor, make
it pain, painfully clear, uh huh"
"oh help me, help me from myself and I listen from both sides
of a friend, nothing, I'll do this one myself myself, myself..."
"oh, ah and the barrel waits, trigger shakes, aimed right
at my head won't you help me? help me from myself"
All proof that this guy is seriously contemplating suicide. Unless
he's helped by someone other than himself, he's got nothing left
to do but execute his plan. Should the lord start counting because
another victim will be had because of the barrel is aimed right
at him with the trigger very close to being pulled? |
Oh, tonight began with anything.
Shaft of a light. A warm breath and a scream.
Ah, yeah.
Oh, tamper if you like between the doors.
Oh yeah. Huh. Huh.
Oh, can't expect to go out, to go out with anything, anything
Oh reach the door. A breath and a...
Oh reach the door. And a la la la la yeah.
Life ain't what it's worth.
A breath and a... Oh reach the door.
All these reaching hands out grabbing things. Grabbing me.
Day in day out accumulating. Ah yeah.
Whoa. I suggest you step out on your porch.
Oh yeah. Huh. huh. Huh huh, yeah.
Run away my son. See it all. Oh see the world.
Oh reach the door. A breath and a...
Oh reach the door. Oha and a la la la la yeah.
Life ain't what it's worth.
A breath and a... Oh reach the door.
Come. Here it comes. There it goes. When it comes.
Where it goes. Where it comes.
Can't see through the faith. Woah.
Ooh. Come. Here it comes. There it goes.
Grasp what you can.
Don't you know there's something inside your head, yeah.
Oh, if I knew where it was I would take you there but there's
much more than this.
Ooh. Whoa, much more than this. Woh see the world. Much more than...
Oh, much more than. Why? |